Buying Buying S festives and Promos

Discussion in 'Trading' started by [Pix] Hecate, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. [Pix] Hecate

    [Pix] Hecate Scarcely Active

    Sep 10, 2015
    +0 / 0
    Note : I auto decline level 0 friend requests

    I am buying strange festives at these prices
    Sniper - 9 Keys
    Scatter - 15 Keys
    Wrench - 8 Keys
    Rocket - 13 Keys
    Sticky - 5 Keys
    Knife - 7 Keys
    Bat - 8 Keys
    Minigun - 5 Keys
    Amby - 3 Keys
    Black Box - 1 Key
    Grenade Launcher - 2 Keys
    Huntsman - 4 Keys
    Flame Thrower - 3 Keys
    Crossbow - 2 Keys
    Ubersaw - 2 Keys
    Sandvich - 3 Keys

    And these promos at these prices
    BMOC 3 Keys
    Horace 6 Keys
    Buds 2 Keys
    Headcase 9 Keys
    Treasure - 5 Keys My Wrap, 6 Keys Your wrap
    Bounty - 2 Keys My Wrap, 3 Keys Your wrap
    Bill - 2 Keys
    Piller of Shades - 10 Keys

    Note I do not count paint/parts/spells/normal + spec killstreaks, I may add for PROFESSIONAL killstreaks though

    Add me to discuss ^.^ ---

    This trade will practically always be active, but I really won't check on this much, just send me an add ^.^
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