What is your dream set?

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    So, i just wanted to know, what is your dream set? Just post one WITH and one WITHOUT unusuals. I think i just reached my non-unusual set. It includes fully spelled items. Double spelled Strange Professional Killstreak Festive Flame Thrower with the sheen/streaker combo of Tornado and Manndarin, which is the best for pyro in my eyes. It also has the parts Buildings Destroyed, Allies Extinguished and Projectiles Reflected. My secondary is a Strange Professional Killstreak Reserve Shooter with Exorcism and the sheen/streaker combo of Tornado/Deadly Daffodil. My melee is a Strange Professional Killstreak Powerjack with Exorcism and the sheen/streaker combo of Tornado/Agonizing Emerald. My hat cosmetic is a Craftable Voodoo Juju, painted Hue and the spells Chromatic Corruption and Headless Horseshoes. The uncraftable version of this is being sold for 35 keys, so i think this is about the same, if not more. My face cosmetic is a Last Breath with the spell Voices From Below. My jacket cosmetic is just a Dead of Night, nothing special. All and all, this set is touching somewhere around 70 to 75 keys. I might sell it if the offer is right, but make it a good one. I will link my backpack.tf link and the Outpost trade here.
    Thank you.

    I'd like to hear your loadouts! Does't matter if it's your dream set, or if you already have it!
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