Archived Suggestion: New Harpoon Server!

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by Lecatzz, Oct 28, 2015.

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  1. Lecatzz

    Lecatzz Laundry Lecatzz

    Apr 11, 2015
    +376 / 27
    Please name your Suggestion/Bug Report:
    New Harpoon Server!

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    HG Staff

    Please elaborate on your suggestion:
    Greetings fellow members and staff of Harpoon Gaming! First off, I would like to wish everyone a very spooky Halloween. Hence this event coming up VERY soon, I would like to make a new server suggestion, just for this event!

    If you haven't guessed it yet, I am suggesting for there to be a 24/7 Halloween server, added right to HG's server lists. The maps I am suggesting are any of those of the year 2015 and under. I am aware that there will be new Halloween maps coming up soon, but that's up to you guys. I would like to keep it short and sweet, with favorites like Harvest, and Mann Manor.

    Of course, there will be specialized admins for this server, (pesky hackers) but I could also suggest for the Payload and Halloween admins to kinda work under the same force? Maybe it might keep things s little more organized in the ranks, so instead of there being a signup for Halloween staff, there could be a signup for payload and Halloween. Just a suggestion, I don't know if you guys would wanna elaborate on that or not.

    Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a spooky week everyone!

    Any Additional Information?:
    I would like to note that this server suggestion is not to be implemented immediately, as Payload has been implemented quite recently over the summer. I feel if the Harpoon's payload gains more popularity and more staff, then I don't see any reason not to elaborate on this idea.

    Of course, that's all up to you guys.

    And by the way, I did not forget about the upcoming unusual server. This is just an idea to keep in mind once Harpoon has grown bigger, which I hope it will.

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  2. eXodus

    eXodus Somewhat Active

    Jul 16, 2015
    +4 / 0
    Sounds like a decent idea, Halloween gamemodes are fun to play all year round and it would be nice to have a halloween server that has a strong community.
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