SteamRep Profile Data block | steamname: jake | steam3ID: [U:1:195322883] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:97661441 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Please provide Steam IDs or SteamRep Profile data blocks for all alternate or related accounts Describe the incident that resulted in your ban It was 2016, I was playing on the harpoon gaming TF2 trading server, when someone had offered me a 1 key spy crab. I accepted the offer and in the end I lost the bet, meaning I must give the other player 1 key. At the time I was very young and did not have the best understanding of this game or the community. I decided to just leave and not pay the key. I was ultimately banned from the server and marked as a scammer, it was only a little when I decided I felt bad and gave the key back to him. Please provide any evidence or information you wish to provide On October 8 2017 I found the player who I ran from in the spycrab, and sent him a key + some other items for compensation. If your appeal is granted, what steps would you take to prevent a similar incident in the future If my appeal is granted, I will ensure this doesn't happen again, at the time I had no money and 1 key was a lot for me, I now have a good job and can afford to spycrab responsibly at not scam, not to mention I am more mature than I was almost 7 years ago. I do admit, it was my mistake. However I have paid the player back and have learned from my past mistakes.
My apologies, for some reason my image doesn't want to show up here the imgur link