Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by Nicholas Concu, May 26, 2017.

  1. Nicholas Concu

    Nicholas Concu Unwavering

    Aug 15, 2015
    +15 / 3
    I know some of you hated the map but for the bunch of people who did the map is coming back.
    Here is a teaser screenshot Joe gave in all trade 3

    So my thoughts and feeling/things looking forward to:
    I love how Joe listened to the community and decided to make it a thing, i think it should be added to All trade 1 so we can make it as popular as it did before.
    On the dying days of the original moonbase people only joined for events such as ''runmann'' and spycrabs, as fun as those events were, i wouldn't want it added in this new version as thats just going to kill it again. Something im looking forward for is the mini easter eggs on the map, those were very fun to do. Also the old Donor lounge/Area with the Aussie weapons. If my memory doesn't fool me I also remember being able to teleport via donor commands to the outside of the glass dome, I'd like to see if we will be able to use a specific command to go there.
    Other than that, I have nothing more to say.
    I welcome people to comment down below and express there viewpoint.
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