My thoughts on Windows 10

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Ethan Weidman, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Ethan Weidman

    Ethan Weidman Scarcely Active

    Oct 10, 2016
    +5 / 1
    Some reasons why Windows 10 is good and bad. But remember that this is my opinion and my opinion only!

    Won't need to be replaced by any new Windows, will just be updated instead
    Easier to install
    Cortana (in some cases)
    More customizability

    Too many updates
    Cortana (in some cases)
    New start button (better than the Windows 8 start button, but not as good as the Windows 7 start button)
    A bit more difficult to navigate
    Too many features (I don't use most of these features)

    Overall, Windows 10 is pretty good, but lacks in comparison to it's older brother, Windows 7.
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