ITT: Bad communities.

Discussion in 'Flame Bucket (Recommended 18+)' started by The Creature of Crete, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
    Said i'd make a Thread with Shit communities from Various Games.
    Ill go first fams.

    Degree Gaming - Banned a person whom declined to work as a Co-owner,Silently Bans people who disagree with the Owner.
    Minetime - First Minecraft Community i visited in Years, Basically went to the forums to complain about why i ain't receiving Rewards from other stuff,and your Generic White Knights immedietly jump on you.

    So feel free to add any others.
    Added in the Flame bucket due to limited moderation,but anywho.
    >Inb4 someone posts Harpoon.
    Give a legitimate Reason like the Above.
    Smell the hate.
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    • Disapprove Disapprove x 1
  2. NotoriousRebel7474

    NotoriousRebel7474 Forum-Clearing

    Aug 11, 2015
    +80 / 8
    Skial- A lot of scammers there, crappy maps, lack of admins on there, and overall pretty toxic.
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  3. Lunaa

    Lunaa Teddy Bear with a gun
    Retired Staff

    Apr 8, 2015
    +110 / 13
    This thread, as helpful as it could possibly be, could also be very negative towards harpoon as a whole, as it could very well look like harpoon is shitting on other servers/communities, which is not great on anyones half. I feel as if this thread could cause a outbreak in negative attitudes between owners of other servers and Joe, thus causing drama between said communities. Just my opinion of course.
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  4. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
    Though you're right,it's a reason i posted it on the Flamebucket.
    and of course,i request a Reason for a Community listed as a bad community. (And also,it's Reputation speaks up for it)

    for Example:
    you can't call Steam Rep a bad community for the sole purpose of them not doing going over their thousand and thousands of threads and taking care of them
    However,you can call a bad community for the Multiple reasons of Pay2Play,Lack of Administration and Continuous Toxic Bots in the Game.
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  5. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    This thread has been brought to my attention a number of times, and I had seen it for myself prior to that. I have allowed this thread to stay open as I believe people are entitled to their own opinions. I don't expect everyone to like everybody or every community.

    If you have an honest problem with a community, you are always free to state it. It's only problematic when that discourse becomes hostile, and rude; instead of one that is to politely disagree, or call issue with.

    I'm both the Owner of Harpoon Gaming, and an Administrator of SteamRep. I recognize that both of those communities have their faults, but I still try my best. I ask that all of you recognize that there's always multiple sides to a story, and that people are flawed; that sometimes their best may not meet your standards, but it's all we can do.

    I won't condemn any communities, I will step in if I feel there's anything that has gone too far, but as these statements are NOT the official opinion of Harpoon, I don't feel I should outright refuse people's opinions. I can't promise my opinion won't change in the future, but for the time being, I will allow this thread to remain open.

    If anyone feels that there are comments that should be removed, you're free to contact me. Please keep this thread one that is respectful of people while being critical, not one that devolves into baseless accusation, and insult.
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  6. TheSmile

    TheSmile Paint me like one of your French girls

    Jun 6, 2014
    +309 / 44
    How about that CS:GO community :D
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  7. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
    Real MVP.
    Thank you.
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  8. Sparky

    Sparky Epic Member
    Retired Staff

    Jan 31, 2016
    +112 / 6
    buy my p250 sand dune for 200% of the market price....lowball = block + report!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. B4L

    B4L Touhou Fanatic

    Jun 17, 2015
    +96 / 10
    Well. One of my friends was banned from Vatican for nothing. Even thought I love Vatican and Harpoon. I'll would go to Harpoon anytime.
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  10. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
    Can add to that.
    Vatican banned an entire group that was associated with MaxBox back on his Cheating days.
    Even if the specific people on the group didn't cheat or hack
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  11. B4L

    B4L Touhou Fanatic

    Jun 17, 2015
    +96 / 10
    I can add on to that. My Alt was banned for 2 years for no reason. Even thought I had VIP on my alt and main. They just banned me. I don't even know how to apply to be unbanned
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  12. TheSmile

    TheSmile Paint me like one of your French girls

    Jun 6, 2014
    +309 / 44
    I went onto a TTT server, i think it was called Invictus, with my friend Ferd and I was a T and he was innocent and he RDM'D 3 T's, including me, and a Detective at total random and we were banned for ghosting. I never told him that I was a T or who the T's were... it was pretty cool...
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  13. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
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    Harpoon Gaming is a gaming community, with servers in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and more. We were founded on the idea that no matter who you are, you have a home here. Too often we see communities rife with bullies and trolls, and Harpoon was created because we think we can do better than that.
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