Introduction - Alfred

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Alfred, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Alfred

    Alfred Scarcely Active

    Jun 22, 2017
    +0 / 0
    (SPOILER: I'm just gonna answer the questions.)

    Q: What name do you go by?
    A: Alfred

    Where are you from?
    A: Turkey

    Q: How did you find HG forums?
    A: Ironically, I got banned in All-Trade 3.

    Q: How old are you? (Evaded)
    A: Secret, mein freund, secret.

    Q: What other games do you play?
    A: Mainly PAYDAY 2 and TF2.

    What kind of music do you like? (Evaded)
    A: I don't know.

    Q: What's your favorite movie/tv show?
    A: I don't watch TV but here's the following 'game trailers' I like:
    PAYDAY 2: Hoxton Breakout
    TF2: Expiration Date

    Q: Do you have any hobbies? (Literally Not Evaded)
    A: No

    Have a good time dear lads and lasses, also I'll get your 'Shooting Stars' from you one day Telly.

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  2. Ja.

    Ja. Jajaja!

    May 7, 2017
    +18 / 0
    I'm not really sure how entertaining you find this whole "Hitler" act to be, but I, for one, am in no way, shape, or form amused. Sorry, mate.
  3. Alfred

    Alfred Scarcely Active

    Jun 22, 2017
    +0 / 0
    Mhm, done mate.
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