buy the best computer in the world make my room gaming room. buying the best games. plus ps1-ps4xbox-xbox one(all the games) buying 60 screens and playing. why not )
One thing i'd definitely put on my list is to get the Sony a7sii, which from what i've seen is one of my favourite cameras that I won't be able to get for a long while, and a large set of Cinema lenses for it. As well as that I'd probably take the time do do research into non Digital SLR cameras and pay a pretty penny for the old top of the line equipment i'd need for it.
Sounds funky, I'd love to see that. Would you consider starting your own film company/YouTube channel with your interest in filming?
Who said that's not already the plan? Equipment is a hassle in any media form and really that list of equipment i just put wouldn't eben reach 10k
Well first thing first, I would get the best internet in the world. Second would be a great gaming PC. Third would be a nice farm. Fourth would be a nice mustang/landcruiser 4x4 turbo diesel. Fifth would go into the bank, while I farm my farm. Set for life...