Discussion How to get better at [Class]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Agniratha, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Sargent

    Sargent RoboActive
    Retired Staff

    Jan 14, 2015
    +135 / 7
    As a Scout:
    • Be aware of any and all health packs on the respective map you're playing: Scout is an offensive class with low hp, sure Spy may be that way also but it's far more easier to sneak behind enemies as a Spy then Scout.
    • Use your spacebar: A common problem with new players who try Scout is they don't utilize their double jump, Scout is a class meant to maneuver. He has the weapons such as the Soda Popper, Atomizer and Winger to impact how many times and how high he can jump, and he has the Baby Face's Blaster to impact how fast he goes. Utilize the Scout's agility, it makes you a harder target, easier to get up closer to the enemy and allows for some good damage in the long run.
    • Help your friendly medics: It is much easier for a team to push in and ultimately, you to get kills, if an uber is leading you. Get a medic to heal you while you hit yourself with the Boston Bash or Three-Rune Blade. It'll help speed up the uber process (just don't kill yourself, medic doesn't heal fast enough for you to spam mouse1 with said melee out and live).
    As a Soldier:
    • Familiarize yourself with rocket jumping: The soldier's most unique feature is his ability to shoot rockets at his feet and send himself flying (at the cost of some health unless using the rocket jumper). Use this to your advantage to get above your enemies and "bomb" them. You can also use this to get to places much faster.
    • Be aware of any and all health packs on the respective map you're playing: Like I said, it hurts to rocket jump. It even hurts when you land because of fall damage if you're too high from the closest platform. Use health packs to grant yourself the gift of more rocket jumping.
    • Familiarize yourself with air control / strafing: This can be utilized by all classes, while in the air, simply hold a or d (a to strafe left, be to strafe right) and move your mouse slowly in the same direction. This will allow you to get around walls or corners while rocket jumping, as well as making you a harder shot while airborne.
    • "Bomb": A soldier's main role in competitive is to bomb places where there are lots of enemies, simply get a good height from the enemy in the air and start spamming rockets in their general direction to make for some serious damage before you hit the ground. Rocket damage decreases on range and is calculated based on how close you are on the moment of impact, since you fall faster than your rockets, this is a brilliant way for execution.
    • Predict your enemy's next move: Some times it may be hard to hit an enemy directly from a range so shoot rockets where they aren't, basing your aim on your rocket's speed, their movement speed and their objective (why are they moving). It could be good when finishing an enemy.
    As a Pyro:
    • Be aware of Spies: While Spies are usually reluctant to backstab a Pyro and usually don't, that doesn't mean they won't backstab the rest of your team. As a Pyro, you can prevent this by burning them, revealing their location making it easy for you or the team to finish them off.
    • Be aware of your weapon combinations: A regular Pyro loadout consists of the Degreaser, Flare Gun and Axtinguisher and may rotate secondaries with the Reserve Shooter and melees with the Powerjack. The initial combo mentioned makes for some insane cleaning, set an enemy on fire, lock them into a wall with your compression blast, get that crit 90 flare, hit them with the axtinguisher, you've done a solid 150 damage, even more if you hit them in the back.
    • Use your Compression Blast: Your compression blast can be used by pressing mouse2 which releases a powerful gust of air for a short amount of time, it has a multitude of purposes so make sure you know them. With the compression blast, you can: reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, reflect jump and push enemies back. Keep in mind that it costs at least 20 ammo to do so, meaning you can only compression blast 10 times before running out of ammo.
    • Reflect Jump: This is just something for Pyro if you want to cover ground which is reflect jump, if you see an incoming enemy projectile with explosive properties, try reflecting the projectile at your feet and perform a q-tap (typical soldier mechanic) in order to cover some ground, these are really unexpected so it should be really good in clean executions.
    As a Demoman:
    • Familiarize yourself with Grenade / Sticky Jumping: These jumps involve using your primary or secondary weapon(s) too cover some ground very quickly by placing grenades / stickies under your feet and jumping / detonating once you are a little bit ahead of them.
    • Be aware of any and all health packs on the map you're playing: Like Rocket Jumping, Grenade and Sticky Jumping hurts, especially when you pull double jumps with 2 stickies (one on ground, one in air). It's important for you to keep track of your health because there's not item for Demoman that reduces damage from these jumps.
    • Set up traps: A group of stickies has the largest damage output in the game. Setting up stickies in places where you know your enemy will be is a great idea, it could really give your team a competitive advantage.
    • Predict your enemy's next move: Hitting grenades and stickies directly is a lot harder than hitting rockets directly because they arc. Try to get the hang of it and use it to your advantage, sometimes you'll have to angle up (even very up) and wait for the arc to hit enemies from above as opposed to from the front or back. With stickies, you have to time it for a little longer because remember, stickies don't blow up on contact, you have to detonate them.
    • Take down buildings: Like I said before, a lot of stickies means for some intense damage, same applies to buildings, only demoman can drop a sentry's entire health bar at once using only 2 - 3 stickies. If ubered to take out a sentry, don't just spam stickies at it, lay down 2 - 3 by it's base and then detonate.
    As a Heavy:
    • Be incredibly cautious of your surroundings: The heavy is an offensive powerhourse oui? But that doesn't mean he is easily one of the biggest targets on the playing field, expect yourself to be pummeled by bullets and projectiles on a regular basis, much more so than any other class, it's important you no when to retreat and why.
    • Watch for spies: Spies love a delicious, juicy, meat-filled Heavy body, it makes for an easy kill. When you're not attacking, don't hesitate to check your back every few seconds.
    • Jump peak: Regular heavies tend to jump and rev up as they peak a corner, there's 2 positives and 1 negative to this and those are as followed. [Positive 1 is: ] As a heavy, you're expected to be slow. If you jump peak, it startles enemies especially the close to you because no one expects a heavy doing something as agile as jumping. [Positive 2 is: ] You are already revved up. If you just walk around the corner and press mouse1 the moment you see an enemy, you have to wait that 1 second to actually start shooting, a lot can be done to you in that time, maybe enough to force you to retreat, if you're already revved up then you will actually be shooting the enemy the moment you see them. [Negative is: ] You could get sent flying by a sentry. Once you're airborne (which happens when you jump) and there's a sentry around the corner, you'll get pushed back pretty hard. Even if you are ubered, you aren't invulnerable to knockback and this could result in a wasted uber.
    • Throw sandviches for your teammates, especially Medics: Teammates are always backing you up and supporting you, especially Medics. However, asside from Scout, Engineer, Sniper and Spy, they have the lowest health in the game. They don't have anything to fight back with either but they are always healing a Heavy mostly because he has high damage output, he takes loads of damage before dying, thus helping a medic build uber and they expect a sandvich from him when they're in a pinch. Full-fill the everlasting bromance and give your medic a sandvich.
    As an Engineer:
    • Build a Sentry: This is pretty basic, sentries are the only things that can possibly shoot rockets and bullets at once, they make for a pretty tough wall to pass, use that to your advantage when defending or holding a position.
    • Build a Dispenser: Instead of having your team scatter around the map for health and ammo, help them out with a dispenser as it provides both those things and helps even more when you're trying to defend or hold a position.
    • Build Teleporters: These handy machines allow you and your team to get to places a lot faster which also grants the upperhand when defending or holding a position.
    • Watch for Spies: Spies have one specific weapon that renders any and all buildings useless, the sapper. This gives the enemy team the perfect time to crush your sentry and rip through any defences. A Spy will usually execute you with a backstab and proceed to sap your sentry. Don't let that happen, watch your back, listen closely for uncloaks, hit suspicious teammates if needed, don't let the spy backstab you, if your sentry is fine, keep your back to a corner and have your primary ready.
    • Make Roadblocks: Spies can't walk through buildings, try placing your dispenser is tight narrow hallways to limit how the Spy can get to you. This can also block ubers as they have to rip through your buildings to destroy your others ones.
    • Keep your distance: When an uber shows up, it may be best for you too back away from your buildings, especially if it's not a sentry and even more so if it's a soldier / demo uber. It's likely for classes to kill you first before the building, this is so they can take out the building without it being repaired. It might be a good idea to equip a Rescue Ranger, spit some bolts at your sentry while it attempts to push the uber back and if things get to dangerous, use the Rescue Ranger's mouse2 and pull your sentry away from the danger (at the cost of 100 metal)
    As a Medic:
    • Be aware of any and all health packs on the map you're playing: Medic is also a one of the biggest targets on the battlefield as he is usually the reason a team is winning. The medic provides ranged healing and ubers but that doesn't mean anyone can't take him out with ease, the medic has little things to protect himself on his own so finding health is a good thing.
    • Don't always pocket: Planning to destroy the enemy team with someone you trust? Fine but don't just pocket that one individual, if he's already overhealed, leave him for a bit and find other teammates to heal, this builds uber much faster as uber builds faster when healing teammates that don't have max + overhealed health
    • Watch for Spies: Spies would love to drop your uber, don't let them do that. Make sure you call out a Spy or attempt to fight him yourself, don't get too close though, he might trickstab you. It might be smart to needle him as needles come out very quick and can easily make a spy visible, on top of doing damage.
    • Pop it don't drop it: When you have an uber, use it and use it right. Use your uber in any of the following cases. When you're low on health and it is depleting fast, if you don't, you'll drop it. Or when a teammate has max clip and decent ammo, as well as near a lot of people / building(s). It especially important that you use ubers now that other Medics (including enemies) can take your medic, along with the percentage that was on it.
    As a Sniper:
    • Don't chase your target (via moving): Running after an enemy isn't the best idea because 90% of the time, they're going to kill you, your name is Sniper for a reason, snipe from a distance to execute an enemy.
    • Don't chase your target (via crosshair): What a lot of beginner Snipers tend to do is chase after the enemy with their crosshair, that doesn't work as efficiently as simply predict where the enemy is going to be and shooting when they walk under your crosshair.
    • Pick off those Medics: Medics should be target #1 for any Sniper. They have 150 health, they're practically asking for you to headshot them. Headshotting a Medic is good for your team and is hard for the enemy Medic to predict.
    • Watch for Spies: As a Sniper, you're basically a sitting duck for Spies while you're scoped in, be aware of your surroundings at all times, try to change positions constantly, keep your back to a wall, listen for uncloaks, keep Jarate in hand of a Razorback on back just don't be an idle Sniper when Sniping.
    As a Spy:
    • Be aware of any and all ammunition packs on the map you're playing: Spy tends to drain a lot of ammunition, mostly from his Dead Ringer or other Invisibility watches so it's important you go to any ammunition pack to refill your cloak time.
    • Be unpredictable: Half the time I fight another Spy, even if they're invisible, I still wound up killing them because I know where they're going and how quickly they're getting there. Don't be that Spy. You need to be sneaky so it'd be of your best interest to not walk in a straight line if you're spotted while invisible.
    • Destroy those buildings: You have one weapon meant specifically for doing just that and that is your Sapper. Placing down a Sapper on an enemy building will render it useless until removed. It may be harder to destroy buildings if the Engineer is cautious and around them so wait for the time where the Engineer is smacking at his Sentry, backstab him and immediately pull out your sapper to disable his Sentry, afterwards, it might be a good idea to shoot at it a bit with your Revolver so the Sentry takes even more damage
    • Use your Knife: Your knife is a brutal weapon that kills any class, regardless of health, from behind. It may be of best interest to pick off an enemy Medic, Heavy and Sniper in that order to help your team from a powerful combo or save then from some nasty picks.
    • Trick your enemy: Always try to be tricky as a Spy. Bait your enemies around corners, above stairs, falling under you and many other ways and think "Hmmm, how can I get behind this enemy without him noticing until it's too late?" Your answer is a trickstab. These stabs are when you bait enemies to go where you want them to go and while they're heading that way, you change direction and attempt to get their back facing you for a short amount of time.
    All these tips are from basic experience of mine and general tips from the community, hope you use them and become better at any class you so wish to play :)
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  2. Lecatzz

    Lecatzz Laundry Lecatzz

    Apr 11, 2015
    +376 / 27
    I'm using this as my desktop backround, if you don't mind.
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  3. 246game

    246game Scarcely Active

    Jul 20, 2015
    +1 / 1
    2 things...firstly, thats what you already are beleived into thinking as a spy when you first start, seccondly, idk if those kinds of scripts are allowed here dude....
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  4. Lecatzz

    Lecatzz Laundry Lecatzz

    Apr 11, 2015
    +376 / 27
    They are actually. As long as it's not hacking. Besides, it's like setting a bind. And I basically do the same thing after I attack someone. Well, without the scripts.
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  5. Nuuffish

    Nuuffish Unwavering

    Jun 7, 2015
    +27 / 1
    Scripts are allowed as long as they don't give you aim assist or any type of cheating like that.
    For spy scripts i like to use stabby's old script that made ambassador invisible so you have more space to see when you reload.
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