How I got my username: i'm fluffy and i have a butt best username i've seen is: Crit My Clit while I was on league of legends
How I got my username: don't ask Best username I've seen: Lecatzz killa memestar heavy rolled jim's grandmother
Mine was a from a friend who died and we used this tag to show our friendship Best name I've seen? WE CALL THIS A DIFFICULTY TWEAK
Mine was a combination of the 7474 from combat arms where my name was matt7474 and the NotoriousRebel due to being notorious and a rebel without a pause Best username: 50shadesofcock
A "freind" I met on MW3 stopped playing so I just took his name... Name I've seen from Cs:Go 50ShipsOfSlaves
My username: tribute to one of my favorite poems. I also liked what the word meant. Warning there is a little bit of violence (like pg-13).
My steam username dates back to when i played MW3 on the wii, my name on the Wii and on World of tanks was severs, and i think thats why my username is that way. Now my Steam display name, Plasma (formally Plasmafart) was a joke between my friend, his brother and i. His steam name was Plasmablast. His brothers name is Plasmacharge. So i thought it would be funny to make my steam name Plasmafart. After that the name just sounded right and i used it for over 3 years. I changed it because people just call me plasma. I still use plasmafart for a username on my third party games.
My username is my last name just couldn't think of anything. Best username I've ever seen is CarlWheezersCock
My name: Made it when I was a kid, stood for some of the stuff I loved back then best username I've seen: can't really think of any, best I guess would be the group of people who made the leaderboard spell JUST DO IT! back when that was a big meme
I got my name when I was changing my Xbox live gamer tag and it told me it couldn't start with a number so I put a X in front of it. Best name I saw was 'Captain Ass Grabber'
well i got my name as well i like lemons, i like alcohol so liquer can be a form of that, thus the birth of LemonLiquer was born