Fixing Lag and Graphics

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Keith David, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. Keith David

    Keith David Sufficiently Active

    Dec 3, 2015
    +11 / 1
    So basically, a year ago, I got a PC mainly for school. I really like it, but it is a work PC, so games like Rainbow Six Siege, Evolve, CS:GO and Skyrim need to be on low graphics. Even then they may start going at a slow FPS. So I've been wondering if I should get a new graphics card, as I don't have the sufficient funds to build a gaming PC. If I get a new graphics card, would I need a new processor/hard drive/CPU/motherboard? If I don't, could someone tell me what to buy at a reasonable price?
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  2. Keith David

    Keith David Sufficiently Active

    Dec 3, 2015
    +11 / 1
    Well damn, I actually don't know. I just got it off of . Is there a way I can check?
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