Archived Bug Report: LOL Idol

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by Killer4366756, Jul 25, 2014.

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  1. Killer4366756

    Killer4366756 Mildly Active

    Jun 16, 2014
    +4 / 2
    Please name your Suggestion/Bug Report:
    LOL Idol

    Is this a suggestion or bug report?:

    What does this report affect?:
    All-Trade Server

    Please elaborate on your suggestion:
    I got this idea from "Swiftor" on YouTube. This is basically where everyone will line up and an admin/Joe will go from left to right telling people to either, Sing, Tell A Joke, or Tell a funny story. But, whatever is chosen, everyone will have to do, and it has to be established before the game starts. Everyone gets like 2 minutes to come up with a funny joke, choose a song to sing, or come up with a story. They can also take a joke/story from the internet. If the person telling them what to do, finds them a good singer, or found the persons joke/story funny, they get to move on to Round 2 and so on and so forth. Winner gets the prize. If the person doesn't find it funny, THEY DIE! :) Same as if someone speaks over the other person on the mic, they can die or get a warning. MIC IS NEEDED TO PLAY!

    Any Additional Information?:
    Bring This To TF2.
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