Accepted [ Scammer Tag Appeal]: "Honey"

Discussion in 'Fraud Appeal Archives' started by Toasty Engineer, Sep 19, 2015.

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  1. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    | steamname: TPP | Honey
    | steam3ID: [U:1:149465790]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:74732895
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Hi, if you remember me,

    I come back to let you know how much a single mistake can ruin your tf2 gameplay,
    let any spoiled sibling allowed onto your computer. I haven't reviewed this whole "case" in a while but seriously I remember the basics, I'll try to recap, while I was doing chores I believe taking out the trash, then having to do some more chores afterwards, my brother used my account to go tf2 trading like how he does sometimes, he joins harpoongaming, and I believe it was a belighted beak and 3 or so ref? for this spycrab, he loses so he leaves, after a while I realized what he has done, so I prohibit him from going on this computer without me watching what he does.

    Back to the topic, I add the person who was scammed and informed him of what happened, and gave him his winnings, and he apologizes which he didn't have to,
    We were good friends but we have been speaking to eachother so either he has changed his name in my friends list or he removed me, but at the time he said that me having the scammer tag wasn't right and so have many of my friends.

    This has ruined trading for me in tf2, the major websites, trying to give gifts to people via trade offer because they have which makes them instantly decline anything steamrepped banned players.

    Please note that belighted beak was somewhere around 3-4 ref around the time and was given to the winner, I think a 430 day ban is fair enough.

    please just realize the facts.

    -This is the only report of a "scam" from this account was around 3 ref and was 430+ days ago.
    -I gave the item to the scammed so its not like I made a profit like how supposedly "steamrep" thinks of scammers.
    -the scammed and plenty of my friends say I shouldn't have a scammer tag so its not just me
    -this has soiled tf2 for over a year, so if you wanted to punish me, I think four hundred and thirty days, one year and 2 months ban, from any trading sites is good to scare me into securing my account and I myself not to scam ever in my life.
    -Tf2 is one of the only games I play, seriously 2.1k hours in about two years is quite the bit
    -I made one mistake, can you atleast do me the favour of this one plea i have,
    Please have a heart and understand that I haven't done anything wrong for the 430 days and these 430 days have been a living nightmare, and for what? the item that was given to the victim? I'll go find the past appeal so I can link it here and the victim.

    Please provide any and all evidence

    Please add any miscellaneous information we should know

    Is there any private information you wish to provide?
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  2. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    If you need proof that I gave him back the item, go ahead and ask, and now that I checked, his name is crocket
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  3. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    So I got in touch with crocket, he still doesn't like the ban and was surprised when I still had my tag,
    if you want his opinion for yourself, he has DaBigNoob and Joe on his friends list.
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  4. Nimajin

    Nimajin Eoj's Own
    Advisor Universal Staff Donator

    Nov 10, 2013
    +475 / 23
    Hello @Toasty Engineer,

    Please attach an uncropped screenshot of your trade history showing that you re-paid the victim.
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  5. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    With pleasure! And you can also confirm this with him, since he's in your friends-list
    Screen shot 2015-09-19 at 6.02.39 PM.png
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  6. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Do you want me to link the "victim's" account for the staff that does not have him added?
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  7. nikod1991

    nikod1991 Mildly Active

    Apr 27, 2015
    +6 / 1
    In all honesty, I think he is telling the truth, i havnt played with this player but what he says sounds true. I know this wont change anything but i just want you to know that i truely believe that you havnt done anything wrong
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  8. Nimajin

    Nimajin Eoj's Own
    Advisor Universal Staff Donator

    Nov 10, 2013
    +475 / 23
    Please provide the SteamRep Profile information for your brother's and any alt accounts you may have. You were told to do this in your previous appeal, but you never replied.
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  9. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Oh yeah, sorry, I think I just got tired after that huge cropping thing, and it went downhill, anyways;
    | steamname: Crispy Shpee
    | steam3ID: [U:1:185461041]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:92730520
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    So, I planned on moving onto this account, but I decided to let my brother use it, since he is a F2P he can't trade, which is probably a good thing. We did have a computer for him to use but he sort of downloaded things that gave it viruses so he can only use the one I have right now while i monitor him because obviously I don't want viruses nor even more reports of scamming.
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  10. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    The +Reps where when I started settling into the account, then I realized "Why don't I just give my brother the account where he won't have access on scamming accounts", the only reason why i was able to trade was because I traded the items I had on my Premium account
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  11. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Hello...? Just had all my friends join a server that banned me because it had steamrep and I had to wait for a while :|
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  12. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    Here's some other Facts.
    • There are accounts with no reports of scamming.
    • Scammers are those who break agreements, you did that by running on a spycrab.
    • Does not matter what your friends think.
    • Your actions directly caused the punishment you have, it may inconvenience you, but it is solely on you.
    • ^
    • Mistakes and malicious actions are a bit different.
    "For what?" For the idea that your account scammed someone. The idea that following through on agreements, promises and the general concept of being an honest person. That's what you've been banned for. You chose to scam, it doesn't matter how little you think the wager is, it's the concept that if you choose to do things that are malicious and scam people, you will be punished.

    We'll be reviewing all appeals and all of them will be answered by this weekend. But before you attempt to lecture us on how bad it is to be banned for scamming, please consider the inverse, the people who are scammed. The ones that lose hundreds, and thousands of dollars. The children who are reduced to tears, the kids who are embarrassed and angry that someone took advantage of them. Kids who still have their innocent trust in people, shown that others are willing to do bad shit for greed. For those that have scammed, you are facing an inconvenience because of your actions. For those that are scammed, are facing worse, for something completely not their fault.
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  13. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Well hey you wanted me to look at the other side? WELL HERE YOU GO;

    Attached Files:

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  14. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    He's the "scammed"
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  15. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Anyways I want to refer back to what you're saying

    "My actions" "You chose to scam", I did not chose to scam, I just wanted to help my house and then come back to my tf2 game.
    Why should this SOLELY fall on me? I'm not the person who broke the agreement nor am I the person who even made the agreement, I'm just the closest person you can punish, and I've taken the punishment and I've done my payment in the first place. He may have ran from the spy crab, but the price was still paid and the wounds have been amended, the wounds weren't big to begin with. He did not "cry", I am not the one who steals "hundreds to thousands", I did not do bad shit for profit and I am not fitting the definition of "scammer" according to steamrep, I do not plan a lecture, I plan on a appeal unless the lecture is needed which it is not so far. I can agree that maybe friends opinions may not matter, but perhaps the Crocket's is, like how you told me to look at the scammed's side, how about you, you should listen to him if you don't want to listen to me, he's fine with me but he's not fine with a permanent mark on the only game I play on. This inconvenience was not on purpose on my part, and before you say "accident or not" I would like to highlight that I had no intent of using this account for stealing smaller, medium, or even big wagers, the wager was returned no one was harmed except me, the scammed got his item, his trust that you're talking about wasn't tarnished, while I'm here biting the dust with some new shackles for my favorite game. sorry if I have a bad attitude but I've been having some problems recently, team fortress 2 is just my gateway of getting my mind off things, but that shouldn't matter.

    anyways thanks for listening
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  16. Nimajin

    Nimajin Eoj's Own
    Advisor Universal Staff Donator

    Nov 10, 2013
    +475 / 23
    In previous appeals you claimed that was your brother who scammed, now it was you who scammed?

    Crocket, the victim also talked to me about a week ago regarding your mark. He did say that he didn't think you should be banned, but also that he knew nothing about this, he just plays competitive. Additionally, he thought that you paid him back within an hour, when you in reality first paid him back after you were marked.
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  17. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    I never said I was the one who scammed, according to charlie however my actions directly do, I am just stating that this account is not being used to scam and steal, I put myself in the scenario as Charlie is saying that this solely falls on me and no one else ergo me using myself as the topic, while I'm not the one who scammed via making the wager and the agreement -- his reason is that I left the computer open for my brother to use ( which is not what I obviously planned on ) which is a reason I can understand but I've made my computer secured and has not happened again.

    I told Crocket the situation when I gave him the item and he told me it was horrible that happened ( and now I wish I saved those chat logs ), however after a little more then a year (459 days), He would forget about what happened as like you said that he didn't recall anything of that, The reason he remembers the fact that i return the item is because I refreshed that fact to him a few times when we discussed about the "case" recently. I didn't refresh recently about the my side because I thought he remembered it and I forgot to ask if he did, but anyways it may sound like a cliche but after 459 days and at least 2/3s of them being a occasional nice conversation once in a blue moon he's bound to forget something that i explained possibly once or twice to him.

    Note: this was way before he played CSGO comp and was obviously still into tf2 and trading,

    Obviously my brother isn't going to tell me "Hey I just ran away from a spy crab" so after getting back settling in playing tf2, going on trading servers, it was then that I first saw the Permanent Scammer Tag was placed, I was confused and was freaking out, I didn't want to keep something I shouldn't be keeping and that I want to remove this bad tag and clear my name, so I did some research and found the report and found the scammed at the time I believe his username was "TheRocketMan" soon changing it to present day crocket, I told him Sorry, I explained him the situation and he told me that it was misfortunate with what my brother did and he would help me out my tag if he was needed, after that, I gave him the item and basically made amends, ever since that day we have a nice conversation once in a blue moon talking about this "case".

    -I say "I" because I'm defending myself and that Charlie is saying it was solely me so I put myself into account
    -After 459+ Days, he's probably not going to remember my brother being the one who wagered and agreed, he remembers me returning the item however because I do mention it a lot when we talk about this appeal, I'll ask however, no response yet
    -My Brother isn't going to tell me that he ran from a spy crab so while going around on trade servers randomly I got a [Scammer] In my name, doing some research while I was nervous, I found the scammed, explain what happened, made amends, gave him the item, and talk about the appeal occasionally.

    now you might ask "How do you know it was your brother?" Well obviously the only other family member who knows his things
    around steam and tf2 is going to be the only one who qualifies for what happened, I knew it was a blighted beak because of the following: also wager was actually 2 ref apparently.
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  18. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    Just so you know, the policy of SteamRep is that any action taken by your account due to your own actions, including leaving it open or letting your family use it, is therefore the fault of that account.

    Further from that, there's no proof it was or wasn't your brother, it could have been you and now you're just lying to us. Ultimately, you are responsible for your account and that's why your ban was given.
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  19. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Also, it took quite a bit of time to find him and add him, the only leads i had was from the Thread "Rocket Man", and my brother, I'm sorry but that's all my memory can serve from here, perhaps one detail was the tag, but I cannot make any confirmations
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  20. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Shouldn't i receive a caution tag at the very least? I returned the item, I made amends, I may have had my account open at the time but I didn't receive any profit, at least, not for long, the scammed even agrees with the idea of a caution tag, I was indeed irresponsible however to make it up, I've secured my computer ( prohibiting my brother from using this computer via steam, and is within my supervision if he ever wants to return onto this account ) and I even returned the item.

    I guess it's End of the line, I dunno how to prove it was my brother at the time, I don't have any evidence for that, nor can I prove that I supervise my brother ( Taking a picture would just make it look suspicious wouldn't it? )

    Thanks for listening to my plea however, I'll just suck it up and find another way to trading or something, if I could handle a year of this, I can handle a lifetime of this.
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