Nov 4, 2013
Trophy Points:
Positive ratings received:
Neutral ratings received:

Post Ratings

Received: Given:
Like 784 54
Dislike 0 6
Agree 413 44
Disagree 10 6
Approved 130 23
Disapprove 0 1
Meh 4 0
Face Palm 6 11
Super Approved 173 6
WTF 11 3
Cheers 29 5
Productive 11 2
Cookie 33 3
Cake 43 4
Lollipop 12 3
Chill Pill 1 2
Mad Scientist 6 2
Watching You 10 5
Apeshit 3 1
Love 139 15
Lock 0 0
Scary 5 3
Congrads 12 1
Funny 76 8
Winner 61 2
Sideways 2 10
Informative 217 0
Friendly 50 0
Useful 46 0
Optimistic 17 0
Creative 15 1
Old 0 1
Bad Spelling 0 0
Joe Approved 0 172
Amin Approved 1 0
Rami Approved 10 0
November 1
Web/Graphic Design


Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Male

Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff
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