Application Declined [Tae] #ThatOneOtter's TTT Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Archived Staff Applications' started by [Tae] #ThatOneOtter, Jun 15, 2016.

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  1. [Tae] #ThatOneOtter

    [Tae] #ThatOneOtter Mildly Active

    Apr 9, 2016
    +57 / 0
    What is your steam profile link?:
    steam3ID: [U:1:213773082]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:106886541

    What position are you applying for?:

    How long have you been playing on Harpoon Gamings servers?:
    4 months

    How old are you?:

    What Time-Zone do you live in?:
    Central Time

    What Ideas or skills can you bring to the table?:
    Im one to work well with others in very heated situations. I can handle salt very well and already know how to deal with the reports. Plus i have noticed the lack of staff on "downtime" and i wish to help with that.

    Do you have a mic and do you use it?:
    Yes! Yes i do!

    Do you have any previous Admin experience, if so, where and when?:
    if minecraft doesn't count then not officially.

    Why should we hire you as a staff members?:
    Like stated before i am a calm headed and friendly person that loves to learn and help others. plus I'm not one to lie to others or fight over stupid things.

    How much time can you spend per-day on the servers/forums?:
    4-5 hours on weekends. 2-3 one weekdays.

    What would be a reason we wouldn't make you staff:
    To be 100% honest here i can be a little hard headed and if pushed to limit/ not have a good day will head with one salty otter...

    What do you think the current staff is doing right?:
    a lot of things, from keeping up with RMD/reports as a whole and also just interacting with us regulars.

    What do you think the staff, or Harpoon Gaming as a whole, could improve on?:
    I personality think some of the staff could work on playing by the rules a bit more but other than that nothing really needs to change.

    Why do you want to become a Staff member?:
    To help with keeping the sever up with staff during morning/evenings down time.

    Any miscellaneous information we should know?:
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  2. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    At this time, we've opted to decline your application due to concerns regarding your behavior. We've noticed at times, you tend to react poorly when people kill you in server, regardless of whether it was a RDM or not. Due to this, we feel that that behavior would escalate given powers.

    We recommend working on your behavior, and re-applying if interested once it has improved.
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