Accepted [ Scammer Tag Appeal]: "Honey"

Discussion in 'Fraud Appeal Archives' started by Toasty Engineer, Sep 19, 2015.

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  1. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    We'll still be evaluating your appeal. I'm just trying to address your concerns.
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  2. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Hmm, quick question, do you guys have your own rules compared to steam rep, for the value of items and other things?
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  3. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Should a life long permanent ban really be needed though? you like to say people scam kids, "The ones that lose hundreds, and thousands of dollars.", when you clearly stated value doesn't matter, You give me, as you call it, a "lecture" about victims of scammers, while you can't look at my side and notice I'm a victim of a mistake, and not "malicious actions". It's been over a year now, you do have a good reason that It was my fault, that i let family onto my account which is a sufficient reason for this tag, but can't you guys provide a second chance or a caution tag to be at hand instead of a life time permanent trading ban which has ultimately ruined the one of the only games I've enjoyed? A second chance or a caution tag would be my ticket to returning to TF2's society as a normal trader instead of being that victim who had their account being abused once and took action and made sure it was only once, but even then will never return to trading again.
    My reasons for pleading a second chance or a caution tag is
    -The long time ban period has let me understand that I should be more secure with my computer with anyone and everyone
    -The Amount of items gambled was low, and (Side note that you don't care about ) the Value of them were remarkably small
    -I've made amends with the scammed and he would at least prefer a caution tag over a life long tag, and I returned the item which results in the definition of steamrep being a "scammer" invalid (Sorry for repeating myself but it has to be done)
    -I still trade with the occasional, rare, person who doesn't value steamrep, which results in a fair trade and positive rep
    -And finally, Yes while you say I can be lying, It could also be the fact that I'm am telling the truth, and obviously I've been telling the truth, It's just hard to prove that with someone who does not know me and deals with true scammers causing you to distrust me, if I was lying, steamrep rules say you can disband this thread or decline it whenever you want. I might not have proof, but you have my word ( Which you have the choice of trusting or distrust it ),

    I doubt you'll give me a second chance or a caution tag through these reasons, because you have your own sufficient reasons, but I've done my best to prove that i'm not a scammer, I however don't have sufficient evidence besides my word, but oh well, I guess a permanent ban is really required.

    See you later.
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  4. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    With Escrow coming into play, I think this would be a good reason to provide my account a second chance, as it would be impossible for unauthorized logins or actions of my account. Even without it, after a year of just one incident where this unauthorized login occurred, I've learned to secure my computer much more, and with escrow it will just help me furthermore with the security of my account to make sure it is not used or to be involved with scamming.

    You guys are probably busy with other appeals and the holidays so, I'll check up in a week or two.
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  5. Toasty Engineer

    Toasty Engineer Mildly Active

    Jul 17, 2014
    +3 / 0
    Well i'm back, Still no response, getting ready for the holidays perhaps, Escrow is activated, I have provided what had happened on my side of the screen, I have shown you how long I have had this ban for a unfair price, I have shown you within discovery of what happened I return the item, I have secured my account, I have given you my word and yet you want this "justice" that you seem to think you have found but is truly just fool's gold. I have plenty of people to vouch I am trustworthy, you need evidence that I'm lying and I need evidence that i'm telling the truth, but isn't it innocent before proven guilty?

    I for one am starting to view steamrep as unreasonable, poorly communicated, and ruiner of players, with a good intention however, since you guys wanted this "justice" you weren't planning on removing my false tag even when I have been cooperative and have done my best to deliver my word and reasons, you come in asking for evidence for something I would not have evidence for unless I had planned all of this, who seriously is going to have a picture or evidence of your brother on the computer? Come on guys please use common sense and think about that, I would love to go back in time and do that but I sorta can't you know? Your other reason is that I COULD be lying and I COULD be Untrustworthy, while I do have many people to vouch for my trustworthiness, you wouldn't care about that either, but when I first discovered that tag, when I traded with a tf bot website, I immediately decided to check it out and return the item and clear my name like a honest and good trader who had their account taken should do.

    and if I'm obviously more responsible of my account, securing it and supervising my brother, I think I should get another chance, or is steamrep the guy who says "no" if you do one mistake and you can't trade with any steam related websites or people who are associated with it? Heck I can't give my friends good gifts because they may get this bloody scammer tag as well being marked as a alt,

    when it becomes around after new years and I'm adding one of the staff members and informing you guys have this thread, the lack of communication I'm getting is horrible

    "We'll still be evaluating your appeal. I'm just trying to address your concerns."

    He said this in October, and that was the last message besides from me, you guys... have a merry christmas, I guess.
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  6. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75

    You were proven guilty. What you are asking for is a second chance despite that guilt. I admit we haven't been as communicative about this appeal, but that's because I'm personally very busy irl and haven't had the chance to do as much as I'd like.

    Despite what you seemingly believe, it is not a false tag. Your account scammed and as such was marked. You're appealing to have that removed, despite it being 100% legitimate. A tag isn't supposed to be a convenient thing, it is supposed to protect the trading community from those who commit fraud.

    We will review your appeal, in the meantime, I'm locking it. If you have actual evidence to add, you can PM me.
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  7. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    After careful consideration, I've decided to reduce your tag to a Caution tag. This sort of behavior is scamming, and any future action of the sort will result in a permanent tag.

    We will keep the caution tag there as a warning and as information. In a few months, assuming you have no more reports or offenses, we'll remove the caution.

    Please be more mindful in the future, and avoid carrying out any instances of fraud.
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