New Profile Posts

  1. Hoovie2K
    not a fan of books
  2. Hoovie2K
  3. TengriKut1923
  4. Scribble Glitch
  5. Scribble Glitch
  6. floooooofy
    Certified floofer
  7. Anub
    Anub Jin&Tonic
    That was a very irresponsible way to deal with someone who is reasonably frustrated and makes a snide remark. It's clear that you're facing other issues that you're unfairly applying to me, which is unfortunate, but I understand and genuinely wish you the best. God bless and good luck with your server.
    1. Jin&Tonic
      My responsibility is to the community, you've shown that you will be a rude individual if part of it. Full or empty server, individuals who are just going to cause problems are not worth having. You were banned for a week for rude behavior. By the time you posted, the ban expired. Sure, it should have been closed prior. Your comment, the bans you've received, and the report on SR, paint a picture.
      May 17, 2022
    2. Anub
      the sooner you learn to accept and deal with your flaws in a healthy manner, the better off you'll be. Making it about others is not a healthy way to deal with things. At this point I'm unfortunately contributing the problem, but since you didn't seem to get it, I feel it needed to be said. Once again, I wish you the best, God bless.
      May 17, 2022
  8. L.A.R
    What's up guys! It's Quandale Dingle here! ( I have been arrested for multiple crimes including: Battery on a police officer (WHAT),
  9. L.A.R
    deez nuts
  10. TheSpaceHelmetGuy
    TheSpaceHelmetGuy Jin&Tonic
    Hi, I registered for another account named "Majutsu", but never received the verification email. Could you please do me a favor and verify the account (or send the confirmation to me?) Thank you.
    1. Majutsu likes this.
  11. Vintage Collector
    Vintage Collector
    I give Trees to Grow Pizza and make's sky go boom boom
  12. Vintage Collector
    Vintage Collector
    Hello I'm Kim Jong Un. #MooMoo
  13. Gucci King
    Gucci King
    trying to get unbanned
  14. curtis
  15. curtis
  16. Rutfz
  17. Rutfz
  18. Cyan
    tf2 is kool
  19. Cyan
  20. pivotman319 | #TF2Center
  • About Harpoon

    Harpoon Gaming is a gaming community, with servers in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and more. We were founded on the idea that no matter who you are, you have a home here. Too often we see communities rife with bullies and trolls, and Harpoon was created because we think we can do better than that.
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