Archived [TF2 Server Ban Appeal]: 76561198244916538 "Festive Nope"

Discussion in 'Server Appeals Archive' started by Festive Salt, Dec 18, 2015.

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  1. Festive Salt

    Festive Salt Scarcely Active

    Dec 18, 2015
    +0 / 0
    | steamname: Festive Salt
    | steam3ID: [U:1:284650810]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:142325405
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    OK. I love Harpoon Gaming. It was primarily the first trade server I hopped on and fell in love with the HG community. Although this was true, I started seeing problems with staff. To be specific, His name is Derpy Salesman and he was recently promoted to Moderator. Whenever I saw him, He practically took everything that people said serious. This was primarily why I was banned. In my opinion, he is too young and immature to be a moderator because he does not really think about his decisions and always reacts first.

    Please provide any and all evidence
    So it was a normal day on HG and I was talking with the normal people that showed up on the server. Apparently, Derpy Salesman was having trouble with a few people on the server. As always, he would tell people to stop and most would not listen. Because of this, I called him "salty" and in result, I was kicked. I joined back and commented on his salt again and said "I can smell the saltiness in the air" and I was then instantly banned by Adrian HG. I really do not understand why that deserves a ban. I have seen people join and do way worse than what I apparently did and they get ten to twelve warnings and arent banned. Thanks for taking the time to read this appeal.

    Please add any miscellaneous information we should know
    I think there should be an age limit to being staff.

    Is there any private information you wish to provide?
  2. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    Regardless of your personal opinions of staff members, we ask that you treat them with respect. I am willing to reduce your ban/remove it, but you need to understand that you should treat people with respect, regardless of age.

    Age or the pitch of someone's voice isn't the determinant here, it is the maturity they display and what they are saying that matters here.
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