Because I have too much freetime and I enjoy editing photos here's the one I'm using for my profile picture:
Some of you have seen this already, but a few months ago I made up a 3D logo version of the harpoon banner. I'm planning to add it to the latest version of Stadium when I get the chance. @Rami, if you want the model files when I'm done for all-trade map too, I can hook you up.
Hey guys, just realized it had been 11 days short of me not playing TF2 for almost 2 months. Finally decided to poke my head in here to release the model files for the harpoon sign. Got lost in dat real life server glitch of space and time. Bottswana and Rami have been given the model files of the sign and will probably be released when they end up compiling the latest version of the maps when they work on them. As for me I just finally got the time to release them after getting a break from real life haha
I got round to using my student license to get 3ds Max and Maya today. Looks like i ended up finding the same tutorial that Gamer used haha. Have a crate. First time using Maya and i love it compared to Max. The UI seems so much easier to get the hang of
I make my profile pics i do alot of photoshop (gimp because its alot more fun) and pics for kicks when i was an IMVU user ill dig some of those up