Never trust anyone.

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by Nova, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    So, some of you might remember some guy called Pep. He went by many names, but he applied when he was called Peppermint. Things went south with him, and everyone abandoned him (he told me). I stayed with him for the longest time, keeping him from killing himself. I put my own problems aside to help him get over his. Now, i'm struggling with problems on my own, and he just sounds like he doesn't care. Where i would type a whole paragraph saying that i'm there for him, he would just say 'ah that sucks man', or something like that. He even goes as far as asking me to buy him stuff when i'm talking about my shit. Now, we've still been playing for a bit, but i can't access my pc for a while. I asked him if he could broker some items. He said sure, and happily sent a trade offer. I knew him well enough, i thought by myself, to trust him with ~45 keys in items. I even sold him a 26 key engineer set and letting him pay in terms of a few keys for 3-4 weeks. Now, i went to bed last night. I woke up, went to say goodmorning and saw he had a private profile. I thought 'hmm, thats a bit strange'. Then i went to check on my items, only to discover he had traded them away for his personal gain, basically scamming me. He also still owed me 15 keys from that engineer set. So, basically i just lost about 60 keys, bought with my own hard earned money and first paycheck...

    The moral of the story is; don't trust ANYONE, not even your closest online 'friends', because some people still have bad intentions, even though you think of them as a friend.

    Please spread the word, and warn everyone to be careful online.

    Here is his profile:
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  2. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    I'm sorry you lost your items, Pep was marked for stealing items that he was brokering. I would highly suggest that when considering who to trust, and trade with, you consider their history.
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  3. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    I know he did bad things, including scamming someone a few months back. But i just felt we were really good friends, and had been for almost a year. Seeing as in i helped him out of suicide and all the bad things. This is just a warning to everyone out there to watch out for their so called 'friends', as they might seem nice, but they have bad intentions.
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    #3 Nova, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  4. Gorrah

    Gorrah Notably Active

    Aug 3, 2016
    +11 / 2
    this is why scammers aren't seen as nice - you should always never trust a scammer especially for something of high value when they have been scamming people only a couple months prior. The only people who I would trust are people who have a high reputation, of course making sure he/she isn't an impersonator.

    They will always try and manipulate you for their own personal gain and would even wait weeks..months..heck even years just to scam you. They will fuck with your emotions.
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  5. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    To me he wasn't a scammer. I met him when i started to play on hg servers, which is a long time ago. He was there when i applied for admin, when i felt depressed, when i was in trouble, but recently, he just doesn't seem to care. He was not a scammer to me. He told me he was drunk that night and severely regrets scamming that person.
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  6. Gorrah

    Gorrah Notably Active

    Aug 3, 2016
    +11 / 2
    In that case i just would say that he really just either made a poor case in scamming you that day cause of the same reason or just got frustrated and couldn't think straight but in my personal opinion I would think he just wanted to play with your emotions making you in a state of comfort and feeling sorry for the guy.
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  7. tea

    tea Somewhat Active

    Oct 2, 2017
    +7 / 1
    Damn I can't imagine losing £120~ to someone I thought I could trust.

    In the words of Malik Obama, "Trust no thot".
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  8. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    He says that he regrets it, but then scammed you? Doesn't add up mate.
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  9. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    He scammed someone in the same period as i resigned from my staff position. He said he regretted that, but i think he got over it and ended up learning nothing from it.
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  10. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    So really, he doesn't regret it...

    If he did then he wouldn't do it again and would pay that user back.
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  11. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    He did pay the user back, does iTrade ring a bell? That was also the reason he got fired from his staff position
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  12. Nova

    Nova Spectacularly Active

    Feb 25, 2017
    +23 / 3
    Update: for the people who still remember Pep, he's playing dead again. I have officially lost about 60 keys... If anyone is kind enough to help me get back up, i have 2, maybe 2,5 keys to start back up from.
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    #12 Nova, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  13. Roxer

    Roxer Previously Roxer
    Retired Staff

    Dec 30, 2016
    +19 / 0
    i feel bad for you. :(
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  14. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    He only repaid because he thought it may get him unbanned. I get you felt that you could trust him, but as we said in the public notice, he did more than just a 'mistake' to get marked and that's why we gave the public notice because there was a high risk for him scamming again.
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  15. Ja.

    Ja. Jajaja!

    May 7, 2017
    +18 / 0
    I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you, Nova. You should really be careful when it comes to lending stuff out to people..especially those who have already been marked. Any person that uses something as serious as suicide as something to gain sympathy from others should never be trusted. This is exactly what happened in the first situation. There are people out there that are actually dealing with these kinds of thoughts and emotions and honestly, this is a really low blow, even for him.
    On a side note, if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always reach out to me.
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  16. Sylvan Evergreen

    Sylvan Evergreen How can I help?
    Staff Member Head Admin Discord Staff All-Trade Staff

    Nov 17, 2013
    +52 / 18
    That really sucks, man. Once a scammer, always a scammer, those scum never change. Hope you can get back on your feet with trading.
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  17. iTrade ™

    iTrade ™ Spectacularly Active

    Nov 12, 2016
    +31 / 3
    Well, this is the issue. He is a marked scammer, whether you like it or not and you knew that he scammed me. You giving him items shows that you ignored this warning.

    Asking a marked scammer to broker any of your items or even conducting any trades (above 15 keys I believe) with him can get you banned on Be more careful.

    Just because he said he regretted it doesn't mean he actually did. I never had the feeling that he regretted scamming me. As Joe said, his main intention with paying me back was getting unbanned.
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  18. awoo~

    awoo~ Awooooooooo~

    May 6, 2017
    +13 / 0
    Sorry to hear about your stuff being stolen dude
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