If you live in England, read this...

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by Clorox, Mar 23, 2017.


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  1. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    Ok, so there is this app called Snatch. It's a game like Pokemon GO but instead of Catching Pokemon you have to collect parcels and those have a chance to give you IRL stuff. I got £10 and 2 months of Now TV.

    I also have a bet with my friend on who can get 3k coins the fastest, I only have 90 and he has 2.2k. If he wins the bet I owe him £50...

    Good news is that if you download the app and use my referral code, which is >>> XRZB1M <<< I get 500 coins for free. Alternatively, you can use my link http://invite.snatchhq.com/XRZB1M . So if 6 people use this link I will win :D.

    So if you live in England (The app is only available in England from what I know) please download the app and use my referral code/link so I don't lose the bet!

    Again the code is
    • XRZB1M
    • XRZB1M
    • XRZB1M
    The link is:
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  2. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Yarally3

    Yarally3 Somewhat Active

    Apr 1, 2016
    +6 / 0
    Seellllllloooouuuuttttttt ;3
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