Filmmakers Unite! - Let's show off some talent

Discussion in 'Arts & Entertainment' started by Sugoni, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. Sugoni

    Sugoni 19 =/= 14
    Retired Staff

    Dec 16, 2015
    +91 / 14
    I'm currently a film student in university. My personal preference is to make simple things well, so here's a simple thread to gather filmmakers together.
    (For reference when I say short films currently, it can be anywhere from 1 minute to 10 minutes. All is welcome and if this thread gains enough popularity I might do the same for longer productions and perhaps create a showcase for the best work)
    If you've made short films and uploaded them to a video sharing site such as youtube or vimeo: Link us to what you've made! If you've got a youtube channel running you could link us to 3-5 of your best shorts and share your channel with us!
    Ever had ideas for short films and want to make them into a reality? Come here and let us know. Either we can help you turn your vision into reality, or you can develop your ideas to have them made by someone here who'd be interested.
    Even if you've just found something very artistic and inspiring you might want to share, feel free to!
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  2. Lecatzz

    Lecatzz Laundry Lecatzz

    Apr 11, 2015
    +376 / 27
    Film student, neat! Any short films you'd like to share?
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  3. Sugoni

    Sugoni 19 =/= 14
    Retired Staff

    Dec 16, 2015
    +91 / 14
    Not yet. Only university assignments and a few things in the works. I'm just very interested to see what everyone else has achieved so they can brag about it here
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