How to Fix Graphical Errors!

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by The Creature of Crete, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. The Creature of Crete

    Apr 18, 2015
    +16 / 2
    So. Sometimes,you guys might get some Graphical problems on your TF2 Screen as in...Missing Textures,Cant' see Players or much Worse: HUD Elements missing.
    I've been looking Into console commands here and there and I've managed to create a command chain to fix up your Errors and all.

    First of all,you must got the Console enabled,which if you don't, Press "ESC" and go to Options,select "Advanced Options" and then,Enable Developers Console.
    Second,Press ~ to open the Console and then Pick a Button you'd like it to be used as the Button that fixes all the Audio/Graphic Errors.
    Third, Use bind on the console and type this
    bind <key > "record fix;stop;snd_restart;hud_reloadscheme"

    You might wonder what that does,Right?
    Interestingly enough,these commands somewhat Refresh your Client and Fix all the HUD/Audio/Graphic Errors.
    "record fix;stop" Pretty much refreshes the entire Map really fast,giving you the ability to finally break free from those Kills that happen because you can't see the Target.
    Ιn a shorter,easier understanding matter: Refreshes the Screen, The Models and everything Graphical.
    "snd_restart" You've been in MvM quite a lot of times right? Sometimes when the round Ends and the Bots were so Close to victory,the Administrator says that they're about to deploy the Bomb and then a very annoying (And earkilling) Alarm sets in,this Command Restarts the Sounds,fixing all Audio Errors and generally Delays in audio
    tl;dr - Restarts Audio,Fixes Audio Errors like Conga music/Alarm in MvM playing without correct Order.
    "hud_reloadscheme" Sometimes you may notice that...Well,something aint good with the Hud..?
    Like,the Timelimit not being ontop of the Screen or...the "Sandvich" text from the Bar is missing? Welp,that's a Hud Error,often annoying if you want them details to be around you and quite the slowest of all the commands (Takes a few seconds to work,but utterly fixes everything broken in your Hud!)
    Basically - Fixes Hud connected Errors.

    I hope this is Helpful (And sorry for any Grammatical Errors,had to type this in a Hurry.)
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  2. Microline

    Microline Your Regular Skype Technician

    May 11, 2014
    +107 / 18
    Good effort my friend! :)
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