New Profile Posts

  1. MetalMalisha
    Still a Twat
    1. Lunaa likes this.
  2. MetalMalisha
  3. Iyda
  4. 55zanaris99
    "Where is this prick, better not have ran away man, no, no, no, no better not have escaped."
  5. Arkanist
    lol i haven't been on this profile in ages
  6. SemperMiko
    If the server comes back, i fully expect to snipe you all with the sydney sleeper and 150 ping, thank you and see u all soon
  7. Roxer
  8. Scufed Fired
  9. Nutlope [GER]
    Nutlope [GER] Tio José das Vacas
    Greetings, I was wondering when I could expect a reply to my appeal case?
  10. Nutlope [GER]
  11. Nutlope [GER]
  12. SteveLosive
    I love ... video games :D
  13. soloking
  14. soloking
  15. добрый
    Hi, please help me. I have a limited account. What should I do?
  16. GameSlayerYT
  17. Bjorkz
  18. ◄99.99% RED DAY◄
  19. ◄99.99% RED DAY◄
  20. benne
    i want to get rid of my "scammer tag"
  • About Harpoon

    Harpoon Gaming is a gaming community, with servers in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and more. We were founded on the idea that no matter who you are, you have a home here. Too often we see communities rife with bullies and trolls, and Harpoon was created because we think we can do better than that.
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