Where the name "festeringMongoose" truly came from

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by festeringMongoose, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. festeringMongoose

    festeringMongoose Professional Procrastinator

    Oct 27, 2014
    +45 / 7
    (I felt this response was too long and obnoxious to put on DJxReonordo's thread )[How did you Get Your Gamer Name] )
    *Clears Throat* Well, this is going to be a long story, but back when people didn't know gunpowder exploded and still used buckets as toilets...there was a adventurer named Cedric Franklin Moore. Cedric Franklin Moore was a name that held great power, struck hope in the good, and fear into the wicked. And then there was his companion...Fransicus Morathel. Fransicus wasn't like most companions, they helped Cedric fight evil, like a companion. They watched out for their fellow traveler, like a companion. But what made Fransicus different...was the fact that they were nothing more than a small mongoose. No bigger than Cedric's spell pouch. Cedric and Fransicus did everything together. Vanquish evil, foil schemes, eat tacos, blow up maleficent lairs! Even fetched groceries for the elderly!

    But one day, Fransicus grew quite old...to the point where Cedric had to carry them everywhere..to bed, to caves, to taverns, to grandmother's basement. Even had to force-feed them, watch his own back. It was to the point where Fransicus was more of a burden to Cedric than anything, but Cedric didn't mind, because it wasn't a burden, it was his friend, their dying sights and experiences. Cedric felt he owed it to his only companion. Until one day...Fransicus slept...and never woke-up.

    Cedric was heart-broken, but understood that death is life's kick in the balls. But he couldn't part with Fransicus, he felt he still owed them. It took only minutes before he knew what he had to do, one day, he kissed his mother and player's handbook goodbye, and embarked on his last journey, he had to bury Fransicus somewhere that wouldn't be forgotten, somewhere where they would be remembered forever.

    Cedric's journey proved difficult, as he found himself in a cave where he had set a camp, laying on the soft corpse of the bear that previously occupied it. Huddled against the warmth of the fire he set using dried bones of last bear caves occupants, but the heat from the fire didn't warm him enough, for he still felt cold, his spine ran cold an uneasy feeling. He was lonely, no friendly furry face to scurry around the camp, to watch guard...Cedric has never cried a day in his life...until that night.

    It was on his final day, at the peak of misery. Both metaphorically and physically as the cold ice cavern he wearily crept through was named "Misery". He finally was able to slay the evil wights, and slayed the ice wraith that had formed the peaceful sunny mountain into a harsh frigid hazard. He found himself at the very top of the tall landmark, it was freezing cold. An unrelenting blizzard repeatedly attempted to toss Cedric off the mountain, but he stood sure-footed. He was going to bury Fransicus here, because Cedric knew that he would die before he found another renowned landmark that held the weight Misery's Peak did. Even if it was a dreadful area, the name would not be forgotten, and that a life was sacrificed here. He gingerly took Fransicus's body from his well decorated bag, the corpse was wrapped in linen, but he could tell that his journey had brought Fransicus to the state of decay, but he still placed his body into the grave.

    After Cedric buried the body, he placed a large stone over the grave, and unsheathed his razor sharp dagger, and began to carve into the stone. He said his prayers, and was finally satisfied that the deed had been done. He actually felt relieved, no longer miserable by the burden he had brought with him this journey. And as he sighed in relief, the blizzard blew away, as if his breath held the power to cast the clouds to nothingness. The sun rushed in faster than Cedric could adjust to the light. The sun felt strong, he quickly took off his heavy clothing, and the snow swiftly melted. It occurred to Cedric that it wasn't the sigh that blew the blizzard away. For the wraith itself, even in death, it's magic was fueled by the sorrow of others. And that the blizzard itself was only remaining, because of the cold sinking in Cedric's heart, that he would never fulfill his quest 100%.

    As the snow slowly melted to nothingness, shrubbery and wildlife seemed to leap into the area. It was beautiful. And as the frozen ice of the ocean became one with the rest of the it, the mountain became a sunset outlook. It was exactly what Cedric wanted. The mountain is no longer known as Misery's Peak. But Morathel's Outlook...

    But when Cedric returned to his town, no one wanted to go near him...it was as if he had brought something evil with him. It wasn't until days later, that someone told him that he reeked of rot. It didn't take long before Cedric fit the puzzle pieces, that after carrying death with himself for so long...the stench stuck to him, he couldn't wash it off, it would never go away, it was stuck to him...forever.

    The nickname festering mongoose stuck to him quickly...
    But Cedric didn't mind, because even miles away, he still has Fransicus with him. And they never parted...ever.

    -The End
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    #1 festeringMongoose, Oct 27, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
    • Super Approved Super Approved x 2
  2. DJxReonordo

    DJxReonordo That Russian Guy

    Aug 31, 2014
    +18 / 3
    Great story to accompany your name! Really nice! ;)
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  3. festeringMongoose

    festeringMongoose Professional Procrastinator

    Oct 27, 2014
    +45 / 7
    Thank you very much.
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  4. festeringMongoose

    festeringMongoose Professional Procrastinator

    Oct 27, 2014
    +45 / 7
    There are plenty of small errors, and I should also mention that this story is a total joke.
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  5. Some Porcupine

    Some Porcupine Rage-Inducing Activity
    Retired Staff Donator

    Oct 1, 2014
    +209 / 30
    You took like an hour of your life to create a fake story line, a fake plot, and your own thread just to say how you got your name? Well played good sir, well played indeed.
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  6. Brunerth

    Brunerth Hippie
    Retired Staff

    Nov 8, 2013
    +200 / 21
    This story was actually a kind of touching... Until I read this.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. festeringMongoose

    festeringMongoose Professional Procrastinator

    Oct 27, 2014
    +45 / 7
    I'm probably going to get a read-me done
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  8. Lecatzz

    Lecatzz Laundry Lecatzz

    Apr 11, 2015
    +376 / 27
    So I was right all along....
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