TF2 We're Almost Live!

Discussion in 'Game Updates' started by Automated RSS Feed, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. Automated RSS Feed

    Automated RSS Feed Face-Meltingly Active

    Nov 6, 2013
    +4 / 0

    As in: really reallllllly close. (Promise.)

    Typically we ship updates on a Thursday, so those of you expecting the Jungle Inferno Update to flip live today, you might want to sit down for this next part. If you're already in a comfortable sitting position, you might want to sit up straighter, because we're about to tell you we're delaying a day and we don't want you to twist your lumbar.

    We're delaying a day. The update's almost finished, but it's a pretty big one, and we wanted another day to get everything ready and stress test it a little more. Our current plan is to release the update early tomorrow. Here's a big list of the changes, additions and fixes we'll be shipping tomorrow in the meantime.

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