Warning about Impersonations

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jin&Tonic, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75

    Just as a formal warning, I am once again being impersonated. I believe the current impersonator is stating that they are a Valve employee and using that to steal accounts.

    To be clear, I am not an employee of Valve. Regardless, you should never give anyone your password or any account information.

    Initially, I was going to write a conclusive breakdown of all the statements and screenshots the impersonator has been using to scam, elaborating on the mistakes they've made and the ways you can see they are an impersonator. But, that said, doing that would make it easier for them to remedy those issues and then impersonate and scam.

    So instead, please, if anything, do not give your password to anyone, do not give your account information to anyone, do not log in to suspicious sites, and do not give people items to verify. If you are worried you're being scammed, there's a good chance you are.

    Always be cautious when dealing with anyone, and most importantly, review what you're being told. For example, if someone is somehow going to un-report you to Steam, if you give them items, they're lying; they're trying to scam you. Likewise, suppose someone is telling you to talk to this admin or Valve employee to resolve your account. In that case, they're lying and trying to scam you.

    Ultimately, they try to use fear to stop you from thinking and instead just go along with their plans. Instead, stop, take a deep breath and consider what you're being told, often times if you do that, you'll find it's all a bunch of lies.

    Please keep your accounts, items, and selves safe.
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  2. Majutsu

    Majutsu Scarcely Active

    May 5, 2022
    +0 / 0
    Thank you for the advice. I do most of those things already, but it never hurts to double check.
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