US government sues Oracle over Java

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Hika, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Hika

    Hika Somewhat Active

    Mar 31, 2016
    +11 / 0
    That's unexpected. Apparently, the Federal Trade Commission is suing Oracle over deceptive security claims on Java, mainly due to the fact that before 2008, old versions of Java would not uninstall when you upgrade it. Here's a link to the statment Oracle put out on it:

    What do you think?
  2. Machigai

    Machigai Sleeping Is Bliss

    Mar 28, 2016
    +74 / 5
    "That creates a serious security vulnerability. Even if you installed the most recent version of Java SE, the personal information on your computer may be at risk because earlier, less secure versions could still be executed."
    That alone convinces me that Java deserves this lawsuit. Privacy and cyber security are big things and security flaws like this one will be taken advantage and used by criminals
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  3. Hika

    Hika Somewhat Active

    Mar 31, 2016
    +11 / 0
    That seems like a fair point, though in 2008 Java was put out by Sun - they wouldn't be bought by Oracle until 2010.
  4. Chiva123

    Chiva123 ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    Oct 13, 2014
    +45 / 3
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  5. Machigai

    Machigai Sleeping Is Bliss

    Mar 28, 2016
    +74 / 5
    Doesn't matter who put it out they still own Java and they gotta take responsibility.
    Besides they seemed to know about the issue and kind of tried to fix it
    "when you installed or updated Java SE, it didn’t replace the version already on your computer. Instead, each version installed side-by-side at the same time. Later, after we changed this, installing or updating Java SE removed only the most recent version already on your computer. What’s more, in many cases, it didn’t remove any version released before October 2008."
    Let's just leave old software on peoples computers and hope it doesn't get messed with :p
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  6. Hika

    Hika Somewhat Active

    Mar 31, 2016
    +11 / 0
    You've got a point there. I can see people protesting Java like they did Flash for a while soon.
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