Application Declined Toast Mama ⇋HG⇌'s All-Trade Moderator App

Discussion in 'Archived Staff Applications' started by Toast Mama, May 10, 2014.

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  1. Toast Mama

    Toast Mama Professional idiot

    Feb 8, 2014
    +27 / 36
    SteamRep Profile Data:
    | steamname: Toast Mama ⇋HG⇌
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:74808385
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What position are you applying for?

    In which server would you like to be staff?

    How many hours do you have in our server?
    8d 06:10:52h

    How old are you?

    What Time-Zone you live in?

    Do you have a mic and do you use it?
    Yes, I do.

    Do you have any previous Admin experience, if so, where and when?
    I have had some moderator experience on a chat site ( from a few years ago. I was a member of the staff for around 2 months.

    What ideas or skills can you bring to the table?
    I am able to maintain good composure during times of great stress; Handing situations is my specialty. Being very friendly with users and staff is also another perk that will be very useful in the long run.

    Why do you think you would be a good staff member?
    I believe I would be a good staff member mainly because when staff are offline/not present in a server, havoc is wreaked and nobody is available to fix the situation. I am online at times when the servers are packed and full of people disobeying the rules, so I would like to be able to enforce it as much as I can. I am also very familiar and friendly with a good portion of the current staff.

    How much time can you spend per-day on the servers/forums?
    I can spend at least an hour daily on the servers/forums to fit my schedule. School/vacations/personal activities may prevent me from clocking in on certain days.

    What do you think the current staff is doing right?
    The current staff is doing everything possible to keep the servers running correctly. I have seen them react perfectly in troubled situations.

    What things do you think the staff, or Harpoon Gaming as a whole, could improve on?
    Being respectful to other players. Other than the occasional slip up, the staff are spectacular.

    Why do you want to be a member of the Staff?
    I deal with troublesome users to the highest extent, but I cannot fully react if I have no real power within the servers. I keep calm in situations and am usually available when an admin/moderator is needed. I have also been a dedicated member of Harpoon Gaming and would love to be more involved within it.

    Are you ready to act as middleman for events and trades?

    Do you have a Rep thread, if so, please link it here?

    Special Notes:
    "I have read the prerequisites for applying for a staff position, I understand them and believe I have met them."

    Any miscellaneous information we should know?
    Thank you for considering my app -Toast :D
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  2. Toast Mama

    Toast Mama Professional idiot

    Feb 8, 2014
    +27 / 36
    100% activity.
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  3. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    Your application is now under review.
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