Sugoni abuses staff powers without checking his privilege

Discussion in 'General / Off-Topic' started by Funkerlied, May 26, 2017.

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  1. Funkerlied

    Funkerlied Scarcely Active

    May 26, 2017
    +0 / 2
    Hello, I would like to bring attention to Sugoni, for abusing his staff powers because I wouldn't scroll up in the chat. This story starts with my friend TheEeveeKid, who was screeching because he doesn't know how to put his mic on push-to-talk. The reason he was screeching because he was having a very fun time on your servers socializing with others, but then Sugnoi muted him and that's when things started to go downhill. I asked why he muted him and he said "because he was screeching" I told him that my friend EeveeKid has autism and he can't control, but he did little to adhere. I gave him reasoning and everything but when he told me to scroll up and I couldn't (Due to my mousewheel being broken), he kicked me. It was very uncalled for and makes the server not friendly. I would love for me and my friend to be able to express how we feel about our experience.
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  2. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
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    You and your friend proceeded to call numerous users the n word, you chat spammed, you insulted users, and mic spammed. You were given warnings, your attempt to trying to say that it was unfair is ridiculous. We have staff members with autism, we have users with autism. Not one of them require that their autism give them permission to demean, berate, and insult other users. And regardless of who you are, you should treat others with respect. You have been banned from our servers permanently for your comments on our servers.
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