Suggestion Declined Suggestion: Being prop damaged for 3 hp or lower not KOSable

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by MichaelAndJello, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. MichaelAndJello

    MichaelAndJello I'm not a foundation

    Feb 28, 2016
    +7 / 1
    Please name your Suggestion/Bug Report:
    Being prop damaged for 3 hp or lower not KOSable

    Is this a suggestion or a bug report:

    Please elaborate on your suggestion/bug report:
    Killing a person for hurting you with a prop for 3 or lower damage is a bad idea. It just gives an opportunity to RDM someone with out getting slain. Though, if someone does it repeatedly it should be KOSable.

    Any Additional Information:
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  2. Popeyes

    Popeyes Spectacularly Active
    Retired Staff

    Apr 26, 2016
    +8 / 1
    Thats actually a good idea some people have been killed for shooting a door and it hurts someone behind it.
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  3. Party Lux

    Party Lux Positively Active
    Retired Staff

    Nov 5, 2015
    +67 / 7
    If someone injures me I'm going to kill them. If it was a legit accident and I can see that it was infact an accident then I understand. other then that I'm shooting them in the face
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  4. IamInvictus

    IamInvictus TTT's Jack the Ripper

    Dec 20, 2015
    +30 / 0
    To be honest it's always at the discretion of the victim. If you take damage you a have a right to retaliate. While it would prevent some RDM, it becomes more of a nuisance to account for. Especially if people are killing others repeatedly over 1-5 points of prop damage, admins do look into it. Just be conscience of your shots and the props around you.
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  5. DRagon

    DRagon Phenomenal
    Retired Staff

    Nov 15, 2014
    +104 / 7
    Unfortunately, we have chosen to decline this suggestion.
    It is ultimately at the discretion of the victim on whether they decide the damage was intentional or accidental.
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