some shit a nerd made

Discussion in 'Arts & Entertainment' started by ZaniZ, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. ZaniZ

    ZaniZ Scarcely Active

    Oct 27, 2018
    +6 / 0
    so a few years ago I tried my hand at pixel arts. I kinda gave up shortly after I started, but after looking at a friends artwork, it inspired me to try again. here are some stuff I made and saved when I was still doing this.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Don't ask me why the heavy one is so blurred, I have no idea myself.

    So, That's I all could find on my computer, I think they aren't the greatest but aren't the worse either. I think I'll be trying to make new pixel arts and I'll get better at the craft. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be taking commissions in the future, but rn, I think I'll be trying to improve my skills at this.

    of course, don't expect me to be able to pump these things out like sausages, It takes time and I still have a life too, so upload schedules of these things will probably be pretty irregular
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  2. BoogerMash

    BoogerMash Scarcely Active

    Nov 5, 2018
    +0 / 0
    These are quite nice, keep it up. What software did you use to make them? I personally enjoy Aseprite.
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