Accepted [Shark Report]: 76561198083343277 "TheAmazingSuperSaiyan"

Discussion in 'Fraud Reports Archive' started by Mrs Toughsox, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Mrs Toughsox

    Mrs Toughsox Scarcely Active

    Apr 10, 2014
    +0 / 0
    | steamname: Mrs Toughsox
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:29411941
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: TheAmazingSuperSaiyan
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:61538774
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    This individual came to me last night to trade for 2 crate 82's. During the conversation, he apparently looked thru my backpack and my husbands, and came across the fact we have a handful of salvaged crates. As he seems to be rushing off, he asked to stay on my friends list, and after he was gone, I put a note next to his name to "delete soon, he will start begging". Sometimes you just have that feeling.

    So today (approx 6:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time) he comes right at me and immediately starts a dialogue about buying a crate 30. Mind you, nor I or my husband have any trades up where we are selling any Salvaged crates. I could put my own personal feelings into this but I think the text will show all that needs to prove this was an intentional sharking incident. I tried my darnedest to get him to confess even more but he wasn't biting.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Mrs Toughsox: many thanks and good luck with those crates
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: so keep as a friend still right?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i still want to talk to you
    Mrs Toughsox: i will but, after a while I will delete you as I do 50-100 trades a day so, my list does fill up, but for now its empty so, sure
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: ok
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: wait
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: your husnand has the #30 slavage crate
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: are you willing to sell that
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: gtg bye
    Mrs Toughsox: he has like, 30 different salvaged crates and yes,he has 3 or 4 of the 30s
    Mrs Toughsox: ok, ttyl
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: how much are you selling your #30 crates for anyways
    Mrs Toughsox: not sure
    Mrs Toughsox: if you remember last night I said i wasnt actively selling them but, shoot me an offer
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: how bout like 4-5 keys?
    Mrs Toughsox: hmmm
    Mrs Toughsox: is that a decent offer?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: actaully, im pretty sure its kinda a little more
    Mrs Toughsox: well then, shoot me an offer thats fair
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: ok wait my friend has the keys so ill shoot you an offer when he gives them to me
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: and that may be on the weekends
    Mrs Toughsox: cool, whats the time frame?
    Mrs Toughsox: ok, then we can talk then
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: friday too
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: stay as my friend until then or something until the deal is done
    Mrs Toughsox: so did you have a better judgement on your offer or, you gonna wait and see how many you get 1st?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: thanks ma'am
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: what do you mean
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: by the judgment and stuff
    Mrs Toughsox: meaning, did you have a better offer or, you going to see how many you get 1st?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: well we can talk about that more when he gives me the keys
    Mrs Toughsox: there is no reason to talk if you dont ghave a solid price you think youll offer
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: o 4-6 keys sorry
    Mrs Toughsox: maybe you want to offer 10 keys but your friend only gives you 5....that doesnt mean ill sell for 5
    Mrs Toughsox: is 6 a good deal for me though?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: actually a great deal
    Mrs Toughsox: really?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i see people on servers selling for 5 keys, and the deal is actaully done
    Mrs Toughsox: wow, i should get the ones from my husbands backpack
    Mrs Toughsox: for a salvaged 30?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yep
    Mrs Toughsox: or a 80?
    Mrs Toughsox: 60*
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: no a salvage #30
    Mrs Toughsox: wow
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: ik
    Mrs Toughsox: hey, got a question for ya
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yes
    Mrs Toughsox: did you look at my husbands backpack?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yes i did
    Mrs Toughsox: ummm
    Mrs Toughsox: you play TF2 alot?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yes i do a bit
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: why do you ask
    Mrs Toughsox: cool, look at this screenshot
    Mrs Toughsox:
    Mrs Toughsox: see anything special?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: a mvm? and completed on expert with an A!?
    Mrs Toughsox: an AI? no, my husband has 0ver 200 tours
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: and tour number 200?
    Mrs Toughsox: and see the 3rd person down?
    Mrs Toughsox: BlueDemon?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yes
    Mrs Toughsox: the same one thats a senior Steam Rep Admin?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: o wow
    Mrs Toughsox: the one Im sending your shark report to right now
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: what
    Mrs Toughsox: telling me 6 keys is a good deal for a 26-28 key salvaged crate
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: im sorry i thought that the deal was a legit one im sorry
    Mrs Toughsox: you are full of shit !!!
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i meant #40
    Mrs Toughsox: steap rep, here I come
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: please
    Mrs Toughsox: later scumbag
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i have a time to live in tf2
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: what if i gave you a reclaimed
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: or anyhting please
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: im sorry
    Mrs Toughsox: just so i dont make a shark report
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i promise to never do this again
    Mrs Toughsox: and youll admit you tried to shark me
    Mrs Toughsox: and not pull some lame 'I didnt know, honest " bullshit on me
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: im sorry that i tried to shark you, my apologies i swear to never do this again, I have learned my lesson
    Mrs Toughsox: yea, and how many total people have you done this to already?
    Mrs Toughsox: I WANT THE TRUTH
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: you're my 2nd time probably, but never actually got the deal
    Mrs Toughsox: yea, so, apparently you didnt learn once so you tried it again, GG
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: on the 1st one
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: but know i have
    Mrs Toughsox: and how many did your friend shark....because he just doesnt give you keys unless he is in on it
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: we were in it together i promise, he was only helping me
    Mrs Toughsox: helping you what, shark and scam?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: sorta
    Mrs Toughsox: and how many did he do, because he didnt get keys for free Im sure
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: after this moment, you'll never see me shark again, i promise
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he earned from spycrabbing
    Mrs Toughsox: so your friend knew you were asking for keys to shark
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: no
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he wasn't
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: well
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: kinda
    Mrs Toughsox: explain
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: I told him what was happening and he said ok
    Mrs Toughsox: your answers will determine if I file a report
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: ok
    Mrs Toughsox: so, how does someone with a $4 backpack have friends with dozens of buds?
    Mrs Toughsox: unless they are sharking and scamming as well?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he's not, im a newbie to this game, and he has been playing for like 3 years
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he wanted to help me
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: but my mind got corrupted
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: by a guy named fishingsean831
    Mrs Toughsox: how was he going to help you, to teach you how to shark?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he has no picture in the prfile
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: no get me equipment
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: to do the sharking
    Mrs Toughsox: like?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: keys and hats
    Mrs Toughsox: remember, your being truthful is going to determeine if i send in a report
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: I swear to god's name
    Mrs Toughsox: and when he loaned you keys to do this, what were you doing for him?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: helping him with getting people to join his server, and be admins
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: for a price to be admins
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
    Mrs Toughsox: to become an admin, you had to resort to sharking people?
    Mrs Toughsox: and he knew this was what your 'price' would be.....he helps you shark and you get him people to his servers?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: he got banned now
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: and then he blames it on me
    Mrs Toughsox: so who is this banned friend, cause i dont see him on your friends list
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: yes from steam
    Mrs Toughsox: again, i asked, who?
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: his name was fishingsean831
    Mrs Toughsox: well, I cant find anyone by that name, so, Im guessing you made it up
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: no he got banned
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: from steam
    Mrs Toughsox: he would still be in their database
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: o he changed his name
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: his real name is kyore
    Mrs Toughsox: eh well, like I said, I dont believe you just started doing this
    Mrs Toughsox: and you have enough time in TF2 to know better
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i did one, stopped for awhile, then i sharked you
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i know i regret doing this
    Mrs Toughsox: yea well, think maybe you picked the wrong person this time
    Mrs Toughsox: enjoy the ban report
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: i regret doing that too, and showed me to never do this again
    Mrs Toughsox: tell it to the people that will judge this, not to me
    Mrs Toughsox: goodbye
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: no
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: please
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: what can i do
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: to not get banned
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan: please madam
    TheAmazingSuperSaiyan is now Offline.

    He did delete me as I went searching for who to send this report to.

    Also, if I may add....where is the UPLOAD A FILE button =)

    Misc. Info:

    Hope this is enough to warrant some sort of action against this guy.

    Is there any private information you wish to provide?
  2. Mrs Toughsox

    Mrs Toughsox Scarcely Active

    Apr 10, 2014
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  3. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
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    Nov 4, 2013
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    Thank you for your report.
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  4. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
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    Nov 4, 2013
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    Banned locally. Accepted.
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