Scattergories A-Z

Discussion in 'Spam & Forum Games' started by The Slow Scout, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. The Slow Scout

    The Slow Scout Violent Crime Analyst
    Retired Staff

    Jan 14, 2015
    +238 / 7
    Hey All!

    Let's play Scattergories. It's quite simple and fun I would say. Copy and paste the list and add one answer in your reply. If you bolden your answer it makes it easier to see which answer is yours. You can reply to any blank space as long as it was never answered before (don't have to go in order, 1,2,3,4 etc.) After the list has been completed, we move onto the next letter. Will we reach letter 'Z'? ;)

    We're on the letter 'A'

    01. A famous man ........
    02. A famous woman ....
    03. A household item ........
    04. Something sweet .......
    05. Something sour .....
    06. A band or pop group .......
    07. A country .......
    08. A mood .......
    09. A song .......
    10. A book ......
    11. A movie ....
    12. An animal ....
    13. Something found in a Supermarket....
    14. Something found in your room.....
    15. Something you enjoy doing ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. The Slow Scout

    The Slow Scout Violent Crime Analyst
    Retired Staff

    Jan 14, 2015
    +238 / 7
    01. A famous man ........ Abraham Lincoln
    02. A famous woman ....
    03. A household item ........
    04. Something sweet .......
    05. Something sour .....
    06. A band or pop group .......
    07. A country .......
    08. A mood .......
    09. A song .......
    10. A book ......
    11. A movie ....
    12. An animal ....
    13. Something found in a Supermarket....
    14. Something found in your room.....
    15. Something you enjoy doing ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. NotoriousRebel7474

    NotoriousRebel7474 Forum-Clearing

    Aug 11, 2015
    +80 / 8
    01. A famous man ........ Abraham Lincoln
    02. A famous woman .... Betty Friedan
    03. A household item ........
    04. Something sweet .......
    05. Something sour .....
    06. A band or pop group .......
    07. A country .......
    08. A mood .......
    09. A song .......
    10. A book ......
    11. A movie ....
    12. An animal ....
    13. Something found in a Supermarket....
    14. Something found in your room.....
    15. Something you enjoy doing ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. LordOfStalkers

    LordOfStalkers Notably Active

    Apr 23, 2015
    +30 / 4
    01. A famous man ........ Abraham Lincoln
    02. A famous woman .... Betty Friedan
    03. A household item ........ Chair
    04. Something sweet .......
    05. Something sour .....
    06. A band or pop group .......
    07. A country .......
    08. A mood .......
    09. A song .......
    10. A book ......
    11. A movie ....
    12. An animal ....
    13. Something found in a Supermarket....
    14. Something found in your room.....
    15. Something you enjoy doing ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. The Slow Scout

    The Slow Scout Violent Crime Analyst
    Retired Staff

    Jan 14, 2015
    +238 / 7
    01. A famous man ........ Abraham Lincoln
    02. A famous woman .... Betty Friedan
    03. A household item ........ Chair
    04. Something sweet .......
    05. Something sour .....
    06. A band or pop group .......
    07. A country .......
    08. A mood .......
    09. A song .......
    10. A book ......
    11. A movie ....
    12. An animal .... Alligator
    13. Something found in a Supermarket....
    14. Something found in your room.....
    15. Something you enjoy doing ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
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