TF2 Russian Highlander Season 4

Discussion in 'Game Updates' started by Automated RSS Feed, May 18, 2020.

  1. Automated RSS Feed

    Automated RSS Feed Face-Meltingly Active

    Nov 6, 2013
    +4 / 0
    [​IMG] (Image credit - Fishska and Dary)

    What's the point of a Cold War era standoff if you can't bring your own group of mercenaries to participate? There isn't any, and that's why Russian Highlander is coming back for its 4th season!

    Russian Highlander is a competitive Team Fortress 2 event featuring the Highlander format for players of all skill levels. Players from all around the world are welcome, but keep in mind the event is planned around European time zones. Are you interested in participating? Sign up your mercenary squad on their Match.TF page or join their Discord server.

    Everyone knows there's no point in risking your life if there isn't a sweet reward for your effort, and that's why RuHL offers a 50+ keys prize pool as well as some premium serveme codes. And let us not forget there are some sweet, sweet in-game medals!

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