Halloween Stories.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dont3venTryM8, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. Dont3venTryM8

    Dont3venTryM8 Unwavering

    Jun 9, 2016
    +5 / 0
    What were your worst or best halloween stories. To be honest, my halloweens have been going fine until the 80 year old's put 3 year old candy in your bag. And they give so much!
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  2. Newt

    Newt "Great we're all bloody inspired."

    Jun 4, 2015
    +50 / 2
    I had a girl break up with me on Halloween last year. We were at a party at my friends, in which the guys were all gonna stay the night. She just like told me at like noon so I had to spend the rest of the day with all of them when I really just wanted to leave lol.
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  3. The Slow Scout

    The Slow Scout Violent Crime Analyst
    Retired Staff

    Jan 14, 2015
    +238 / 7
    Interesting day to break up with someone I would say.
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  4. Tsundere Baka

    Tsundere Baka "A Little sugar in my tank, and watch out!"
    Retired Staff

    Sep 18, 2014
    +38 / 4
    While not really on Halloween, still deals with it somewhat, a week after Halloween, my sister's ate all of the candy they had already, I've only a couple of pieces of mine, and I had about 400, we lived in, eh, about middle class area and the fact that my neighborhood really got into Halloween netted me all that sweet sweet candy. But I come back from school the find my sisters have gone through pretty much the whole bad in about 1 day, was pretty mad, but I got over it... 5 years later, I still remind them about it like the guilt tripping person I am, but hey, I was pretty upset that day.
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  5. Dont3venTryM8

    Dont3venTryM8 Unwavering

    Jun 9, 2016
    +5 / 0
    I kinda feel ya? Expect change the brother with me, and you with my older brother, lol.
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