Archived Bug Report: Gun in Basement

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by Party Demo :3/Pooptroop, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Party Demo :3/Pooptroop

    Party Demo :3/Pooptroop Scarcely Active

    Jul 4, 2015
    +3 / 0
    Please name your Suggestion/Bug Report:
    Gun in Basement

    Is this a suggestion or bug report?:
    Bug Report

    What does this report affect?:
    All-Trade Server

    Please elaborate on your suggestion:
    Just the day I will post this there was a strange bug that allowed me to use my minigun in the basement, you can see that this could be a major issue as I could kill them while they were in their basement base. This happened when I used !freetrial, I did the usual, make me a small person, sound makers; the sort. Now my effects like beacon and trail were still activated when my free trial has ended, but suddenly, from what I can presume is the effect drug overtook my screen and I was then able to use my minigun, also periodically restoring my health and ammo. After being told by"Michael J. Caboose" I think was his name to type kill in the command, so I did and I respawned, everything was fine... But I could only use my melee, I then went to the cabinet to see what would happen, a glitched minigun showed, showing the 200 ammo in the bottom right, but only showed my fists holding the minigun. (No minigun on screen) Then I went back into the basement and still had the minigun equipped. I was then told by"Michael J. Caboose" to reset the game, I disconnected and reconnected, but now I'm fine!

    Any Additional Information?:
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