Archived [All-Trade 3 Ban Appeal]: 76561198126577080 (Uranus Exposed)

Discussion in 'Server Appeals Archive' started by a bunch of lonely men, Dec 31, 2017.

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  1. a bunch of lonely men

    a bunch of lonely men Scarcely Active

    Nov 16, 2015
    +0 / 0
    Your Steam Name
    Uranus Exposed

    Your SteamID 64

    All-Trade 3

    Why were you banned?
    I left on a wagered boxing match. Screenshot (1).png

    Why should Harpoon grant your appeal?
    Honestly, the tiny mistake that I made, was 1051 days ago. That's years ago, I can't repay that person 1 ref and I can't do anything. I was banned from most trade servers because of that tag. 1 server accepted me, I built up trust and at some point, people didn't give half a rats ass to my scammer tag. I didn't scam and I honestly don't ever intend to. And to prove I'm no scammer, I paid all my losses no matter the price. Some were expensive, I lost a couple of keys ;-;
    Please also note that when you're a kid parents don't tend to care for the internet, and I was like 11. If I recall, my parents told me to take a shower at the time I finished the match.

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  2. Nimajin

    Nimajin Eoj's Own
    Advisor Universal Staff Donator

    Nov 10, 2013
    +475 / 23
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