A Review of Paladins

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Taser, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. Taser

    Taser Ace Trainer!
    Retired Staff

    Nov 7, 2013
    +377 / 25
    The game is clunky and poorly balanced. A lot of it is very similar to Overwatch as well. I know this game was apparently in development before Overwatch, but it came out long enough after Overwatch to have copied some stuff. Here's some of it.

    -One character can encase herself in ice (like Mei) and dashes around in a similar manner to Tracer.
    -Grohk's lightning staff is basically Winston's weapon.
    -Bomb King's ult is pretty similar to Junkrat's.
    -The tortoise thing is pretty much Roadhog.
    -I lovingly like to call Androxus 'McReaper', as he is pretty much a hybrid of McCree and Reaper.

    The list goes on.

    There is something in there though where you can improve your champion through your deck of cards, passively helping you throughout the game. However, unless you have money to burn on getting said cards, obtaining the ones you actually want for the champion you actually want to use is going to be a pain in the ass. You also, unless of course you have money to burn, have to unlock most of the characters by mastering others first. The better you do, the easier it is to unlock stuff. So if you suck with all of the free ones, tough. You won't be trying any of the others without either putting money into the game, or playing as characters you may not neccessarily like. To me, that's like saying, "You can only play Spy if you get good at Scout, Demoman and Medic first."

    Don't get me wrong, it's kind of fun to play, but it is pretty much a poor man's Overwatch (mostly), and it does need some serious fine tuning. Luckily, it is currently in beta, so hopefully some issues will be addressed as the game goes on. But for now, it's not great.
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  2. Freedom Monk

    Freedom Monk Scarcely Active

    Jul 5, 2016
    +2 / 0
    I feel your pain its a complete ripoff, but it has some traits that overwatch does not have. And its a ton of fun with friends.
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  3. Magikarp

    Magikarp Scarcely Active

    Dec 29, 2014
    +7 / 0
    I'm fairly certain the head of the development said that when Overwatch came out, he intentionally changed and added certain things to make it like Overwatch.
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  4. TheSmile

    TheSmile Paint me like one of your French girls

    Jun 6, 2014
    +309 / 44
    3 hours into the game and I've decided to be a Viktor main
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  5. Machigai

    Machigai Sleeping Is Bliss

    Mar 28, 2016
    +74 / 5
    Kinessa op, I play her the most : )
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  6. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    Androxous, CAN two shot people
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  7. Machigai

    Machigai Sleeping Is Bliss

    Mar 28, 2016
    +74 / 5
    Yea, I played against him recently and it's not fun lol his m1 that shoots one bullet can do like 700 damage and it's crazy, just gotta buy that defensive item that blocks 10% of direct damage and that'll help lots.
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  8. TheSmile

    TheSmile Paint me like one of your French girls

    Jun 6, 2014
    +309 / 44
    I get pooed on by the bow girl a lot, Cassie i think
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  9. Clorox

    Clorox Forum Annihilator
    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
    +64 / 9
    its not a ripoff honestly, it has similar traits. But so do saints row and GTA. CS-GO and cod (in some ways)
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  10. Machigai

    Machigai Sleeping Is Bliss

    Mar 28, 2016
    +74 / 5
    Cassie is pretty easy to fight against imo it's like fighting against a Sniper Huntsman in tf2 that can't headshot ^^
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