For those who are wondering... Lately, since school started and such, I haven't been on the servers very often, and I try to go on the forums as much as I can. Lately I have been caught up in plenty of personal issues as well, part of it being my 18 year old cat with cancer died today. I was there when she died, and so I'm kind of caught up with that and plenty of other things too. I try to come onto the servers as much as I can, but sometimes I cannot. I will be on the forums everyday, just to be posted with future updates about Harpoon. Lecatzz
My cat who was 21 years old was put down because of a disease where she couldn't eat anything. She withered away into a pile of fur and bones until she was put down, and all I ever told her to do was leave me alone. Your cat may have died of cancer, but I will not forgive myself for how I treated my cat. Just remember that and be thankful you didn't do the same.