Application Declined ⊕ᴰᴮᴺᶻ⊕ Dūßštęp•Dėmøñᴴᴰ's All-Trade Moderator App

Discussion in 'Archived Staff Applications' started by Dubstep, Sep 13, 2015.

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  1. Dubstep

    Dubstep Wub Wub Wub

    Jun 28, 2014
    +0 / 0
    SteamRep Profile Data:
    | steamname: Dūßštęp // ayylmao
    | steam3ID: [U:1:103233820]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51616910
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What position are you applying for?

    In which server would you like to be staff?

    How many hours do you have in our server?
    20 Days (480 Hours)

    How old are you?

    What Time-Zone you live in?

    Do you have a mic and do you use it?
    Yes, I do.

    Do you have any previous Admin experience, if so, where and when?
    I was Administrator on a friend's Pyro Dodgeball Server, and on a different friends Trade server about a year ago. Both had very little population most of the time.

    What ideas or skills can you bring to the table?
    I can be active and helpful, along with keeping the servers populated and advertising other HG servers.

    Why do you think you would be a good staff member?
    I believe that I am mature enough to be able to assist with issues of the servers properly. Without becoming angry or without abusing powers.

    How much time can you spend per-day on the servers/forums?
    3 - 5 Hours

    What do you think the current staff is doing right?
    Assuring that people are not mic spamming, Keeping sentry spawn camping down, Watching out for hackers, Communicating with the regulars often, and Not getting frustrated with annoyance.

    What things do you think the staff, or Harpoon Gaming as a whole, could improve on?
    Being slightly more strict on racial and disgusting topics that are being talked about in the servers.

    Why do you want to be a member of the Staff?
    I have friends who I have seen become staff members and would like to contribute to HG servers myself

    Are you ready to act as middleman for events and trades?

    Do you have a Rep thread, if so, please link it here?

    Special Notes:
    I have read the prerequisites for applying for a staff position, I understand them and believe I have met them.

    Any miscellaneous information we should know?
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  2. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
    Earlier in this year, you said that Harpoon was desperate for staff and was forcing people to be staff. Would you like to explain those comments?
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  3. Dubstep

    Dubstep Wub Wub Wub

    Jun 28, 2014
    +0 / 0
    I heard from someone who I cannot remember saying that Harpoon Gaming was in great need of staff members I was immature to say that HG was "desperate" as that was incorrect. I cannot recall ever saying that people were being forced into staff positions, So I cannot explain that, apologies. I believe during the time I was quite immature but have tried to improve based off my mistakes.
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    Harpoon Gaming is a gaming community, with servers in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and more. We were founded on the idea that no matter who you are, you have a home here. Too often we see communities rife with bullies and trolls, and Harpoon was created because we think we can do better than that.
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