TF2 TFConnect Midsummer Mashup

Discussion in 'Game Updates' started by Automated RSS Feed, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. Automated RSS Feed

    Automated RSS Feed Face-Meltingly Active

    Nov 6, 2013
    +4 / 0

    TFConnect is back with another action-packed, content-filled charity livestream event - but this time, instead of taking place during the harsh, unforgiving months of winter, they’re coming at you during the scorching, equally as unforgiving months of summer!

    The Midsummer Mashup is a weekend-long charity fundraising livestream taking place during the weekend of June 26-27th, starting at 6pm BST / 1pm EDT, and is focused around the Team Fortress 2 community in support of Stop AAPI Hate, an organization that responds to incidents of hate and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

    They're going to have your favorite content creators playing PropHunt and Freak Fortress, as well as interviews with Item-makers, mappers, and developers! There's something for everyone to watch, and even play, in the Midsummer Mashup!

    Catch the action live on KrtizKast's Twitch channel!

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